
its always a great day with you around



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-29-2021, 09:13 AM
He could do nearly anything to the mottled brute beneath him and Indy was certain he would receive this incredible eager reaction. Segin moved as he did, reacting to every touch and affection as though it were the very first. There was a grin that couldn’t be moved from his features as Indigo indulged heavily in the sweet man who had become such an essential part of his life. He was a beacon of hope in a dark world, a reminder that despite the horrors they were sure to face there was still a reason to smile. Indigo loved that about Segin and he would show that adoration in the actions his body took against his lover’s. Segin lost his breath and leaned into the loving touch offered and his gasped words warmed Indigo’s skin and his heart. There was no doubt the emotions that were shared between them as they shared in each other blissfully.

Indigo gave Segin everything he could beyond his heart the man had him, the Fatalis was smitten with him. It felt like they shared a mind even as they shared a body. They knew each other better now, and as the morning continued on without them Indigo completely lost himself with the one he was with. Segin consumed him like flames, white hot as they moved together and gave each other everything with deep passion and adoration. Having Segin was a completely unique experience that Indigo savored throughout.

He didn’t keep going to exhaustion, with the time of day he wouldn’t have been responsible giving into the temptation of spending the day indulged completely with Segin. As it was his breathing was labored even as the pair of them relaxed into the after effects of their love making. Indigo tingled all over as he melted against Segin’s smaller form in the grass. He was the greatest release from a difficult life, and would forever hold his place in Indigo’s life.

Segin relaxed against him, his form comfortable and soft against him. There were few who could say they shared such a strong connection, but from their past experiences and time together Indigo knew they were kindred spirits. Indigo pulled Segin more tightly to his chest as the other man snuggled in closer. There was just enough room between them that their bright eyes could find each other. Indigo wore a bashful grin that turned into a genuine smile as Segin confessed his feelings again. Adoration for one another was obvious and didn’t need to be said, but the word felt and sounded so right.

Indigo returned his sweet kiss, so soft and special even after the ones shared in throes of passion. Every time their lips met was special. ”I’m so lucky to have you.” He murmured against Segin’s lips as he closed his eyes blissfully. He could have remained there holding the sweet man for eternity. There was a lot in his life that Indigo would change given the chance, but his relationship with Segin was one of the few perfect things he had. ”You mean so much to me,” He told him honestly between sweet kisses. ”Your smile, your spirit, and everything in between.” He squeezed him a little tighter as he said it, unable to express exactly how he felt.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.