
Clear Skies and New Hope



08-02-2013, 05:35 PM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2013, 06:28 PM by Imena.)

The summer was sure to get the best of her in these grasslands. She would need the find some good shrubs to rub against to pull out any extra fur. She thought back o her old home, how different if was. She had once lived high up in the mountains. She remembers the cliffs and secret paths down to hidden meadows, the tall pines and thick carpet of the forest ground. She missed it dearly, she always would but she would never go back. How could she when her birth pack would still be there? The pack that had betrayed her and forced her out. Suddenly her head snapped down to nip at her own foreleg rather harshly but then her tongue licked the area. To anyone else it would seem a bug had gotten to her and she simply rid herself of it.

She continued to lay there, letting her body naturally try to cool itself off. Soon she would have to get up and be on her way back to the den. At least there it would be cool. The sound of hurrying paw steps coming made her tense. It was just a reflex, not many here came right up to her, actually, no one had. Thinking it might possibly not be a pack mate, she had tensed. She thought of every move she might need to protect herself. Left paw reached out to possessively pull the herbs closer to her. She laid there waiting, still panting but ears twisted towards the new comer. As they neared and moved to stand in front of her, her eyes cracked open. Every part of her said she was ready should she need to defend herself. If it was Demonio, she would have known. She already knew his paw steps enough to know when he came, place she was sure he would have called out a greeting already. This wolf was new. Their voice only confirmed her thoughts. "Greetings, ma'am. Is everything okay?" She opened her eyes and looked up at the speaker. Pale as the moon besides the diamond on his head and two toned eyes.

She stared up at him through clear blue eyes. There was no hostility, only curious and welcoming warmth. She couldn't help it, plus his scent said he had been with a pack for a few days at least. "Yes, I?m fine. I was just resting before moving on. It's abit hard to pant from the heat with all these herbs in your jaws." She replied. Sitting up she gave her dark fur a shake. "Your new here right? I'm Imena." She introduced herself with a small bow of her head. She left her emotions unchecked. Her heart still ached with her loss, it was slightly evident in her voice an in her eyes. She could smile warmly but it seemed to never fully reach her eyes. For once in her life, she didn't want to think of the past, did not want to hide her pain. She was tired of it, she just wanted o move on, but she was at a loss on how. There were these words that none of her healing skills could fix. And she was starting to think they never would heal. Perhaps she was cursed to love but never be loved back, to carry the weight of loss where ever she went.
