
you let her go



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-30-2021, 10:53 AM


The girl questioned the skin and Eska nodded, tying up the ties to hold the bundle together once more. She lifted it though and brought it towards Lillith, placing it before her and flipping the one edge so that she could see the oiled and worked underside. "It's a long process, I hear. I've never tried it myself, but now that I've seen this one, I think I could do it." Eska seated herself, her thick, striped tail curled around one hip. "Are you interested in learning? We could figure it out together." Perhaps it was a bit forward of her, but something about this pale child pulled her in. She wanted to see the girl smile. Wanted her to be happy.

A slightly dejected look crossed Lillith's face and Eska frowned. The girl said that she loved her father and that she wouldn't be here without him. Trying to lighten the mood, Eska gave a soft huff of laughter. "That makes two of us, though in different ways." Ulric had never spoken one negative word about Lillith other than to mention her poor health. That wasn't the girl's fault at all. "After my mother died, I was going to leave. I didn't have anywhere to go and your father asked me to stay. Without him, I'd probably still be out there wandering alone, so I'm incredibly thankful for him." Eska's gaze drifted, staring towards one moonlit window. "I think I love him." It was the first time that she admitted it aloud, but it felt right saying it to a girl who also loved Ulric.

In time, her gaze drifted back to the resting youngling. Dark ears swiveled forward as Eska's head tilted. "Would you like me to stay here with you? We could wait for him together." If that wasn't something that Lillith wanted, Eska wouldn't be offended. She could feel the loneliness in the girl though, so she felt the need to ask.