
Come Hither, My Craft Fellows



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-02-2013, 05:49 PM

Erani padded toward the end of the ravine that led to her den, tail swaying, and as she reached the end of the ravine, she tossed her head back and sent a commanding call out across the territory. It was a call for her fellow healers in the pack, for all of them to attend. She listed off the names she knew in her mind as she lowered her head, ears pricking. Rayne, Soleil, Friction, and Imena. So few, herself included, to care for so many wolves, and all of the others needed training still. From what Cormalin had said of Imena, the young dark female needed training in the more advanced healing techniques, and he had told her that Imena would be coming to her den to begin that training, but the female hadn?t even come. When she had encountered the fem, she?d heard Imena announcing herself as the Denmother of Valhalla. Erani knew Cormalin hadn?t given that rank out, nor had any of the other higher ranked members. She would have been told.

Friction. She?d heard that he had some knowledge of healing, but she?d not had the chance to assess him. She sympathized with the male. His mate had been Aislyn, who had died in the flood earlier that spring. Her tail flicked slightly. She hadn?t been bosom friends with the late Beta female, but she mourned the death. She?d been a good Beta, if a bit grouchy. She turned, tail flicking again, before settling back onto her haunches, deep blues watching the path.

She hoped the newest addition, her own nephew Cael, would come to this call as well. From what Claire had said about him, his foster mother had taught him very well. She hoped to find in him the next Lead Healer for Valhalla, and hopefully enough training to help with the advanced problems the pack could encounter. She hoped he would work well with the others.

Rayne. Erani had been training her before Collision had demoted her in a fit of pride hurt anger. And recently, the female had been attacked by a rogue male. Erani and Cormalin, as well as Obsidian, had arrived in time to stop the male from doing damage. One of the things she wanted to speak with the healers about today would be self protection, and a passing of a rule among them that those who refused to train in fighting tactics take escorts. She knew Soleil wouldn?t be one who would want to learn to fight. The memory of hearing about Asheni?s death from Crusade had cemented this decision. The story hadn?t been completely given, but Erani could deduce a great deal. Asheni?s demise hadn?t been peaceful.

She wondered how the wolves that used to be Glaciem were. Mercianne and Ocena were pregnant. Thanks to Syrinx and Eos, Erani doubted Gargoyle would ever want to bring his wolves to Valhalla to rest. She shook her head sadly. So much ruined by those two. The Alliance had been ruined. And the trust that had been forged between those wolves had been damaged. If she met Crusade again, would she be cold, or as warm as she had been at their first encounter?

What would Valhalla have been like, had things been different. If she had known? She shook her head sharply, ears folding back, before she gazed back at the path. No use pondering on things that lay in the past. If things had been different, she wouldn?t have had her children. Or? at least not these children. She sighed, curling her tail around her haunches. At times, she missed Cairo, longed to just sit, and talk, and her heart ached, until she felt that peace of knowing that he was still there, unseen. He had been Valhalla. And now Valhalla was him. His echo was in Chrysanthe, and in Epiphron. But, to business. She could hear the sounds of approach. So she waited, to see who would come.