
Come Hither, My Craft Fellows



08-02-2013, 06:26 PM

How many times had she sat there and rang off the list of herbs she knew and their uses? Too many that?s for sure. She was starting to think only Demonio was the only wolf here that liked her. Things would not go well if this was to continue. She had tried to seek out Erani, but turned tail and walked away. A wolf like Erani would be able to read right through her. She didn't want to tell her story. It was not time, and it might never ever be. She was afraid, something that Imena did not experience often. Sure there was the natural fears ever wolf had, but nothing stood out to haunt her. The only thing that hung around her like a black cloud ready to shed it's acid rain, was her depression. She just couldn't shake it off.

Paws led her down a ravine, a place she had yet to look at. Erani's scent laid thick in the air, no doubt she was close. Pausing Imena flicked her ears uneasily. Last time she saw the older female she had been embarrass rebuked in front of a stranger. Part of her disliked Erani for that. There was no reason for the female to do that. She could have pulled her aside to speak privately. Imena would never embarrass a pack mate if she had any control over it. White paws shuffled on the ground, did she continue forwards? A call, a commanding call to the healers echoed loudly. Erani must have her den right around the corner. And it seemed she had no choice but to go now.

Head low, and tail tucked in, she slowly made the rest of the way to the Lead Healer. So, if Imena had been rebuked for saying she was a den mother and healer, did that Imena, she was nothing in this pack? A new wave of sadness washed over her. Did that mean she could no longer be who she thought she always was? Was she not allowed to be such But forced to sit there and take whatever title they wished to give her? She didn't want that. She couldn't go on, being an empty, rankless, untitled wolf. What would that make her? A failure in her eyes, an unwanted burden. A heavy sigh drawled out of her muzzle, sides heaving. Blue eyes looked up just as she came into view of Erani. At once Imena looked away, head dropping more if was possible by not putting her nose to the ground. She sat down silently, shoulders hunched. Would Erani punish her for not coming sooner? She tried to swallow, but her mouth was dry now. She glanced up once more, "Greeting Erani, Lead Healer." She said softly. Her blue eyes rested down on her paws awaiting what would happen next.
