
Could This Be It?



08-02-2013, 06:47 PM

Grey toned ears stretched forward as he eagerly took in the words of the young pup who had come before them. She had said they were related, and his tail wagged in happiness. He smiled, shock disappearing as the young one had said her name. "Surreal..." He let the name roll off his tongue in a whisper. So they had a cousin...wait! That meant they had more family!? As soon as the thought burst into his head, he watched as another she-wolf gracefully appeared from the woods, joining the young one in friendly greetings. He listened quietly, shock standing him still as she began to speak. Eyes widened, their Father...was here? He stared at the woman before them. His brain frozen and his mouth not seemingly able to find words of any kind. The lump in his throat would not allow any sort of letter to pass. He stared at the pair of she-wolves...yes, they both had resemblance to them...Surreal with her two toned eyes, similar to that of Alsander and Cael...and Erani, their Aunt Erani...her Sapphire blue matched that of Cael's, as well as the gracefulness that he possessed as well. His chest swelled, why couldn't he say anything?

Eyes flicked to his brother, Alsander. Valhalla...our new...home? We...have a home...and family... He took a step forward, trying to keep his emotions under control. But just like his brothers, suddenly having found family after searching for most of their lives put them all on the emotional edge. He was finally able to find his voice, after a long moment of silence within, he neared Alsander and his tail began to wag harder. He felt his brothers excitement in waves, and he was just as excited.

Just as he was about to speak, a soft voice, that of a male came behind them. Before he turned, a black figure walked forward and joined the female pair. Eyes widened, tail stopped still, and he stood rigid. The eyes...His eyes...they are a reflection of Cael's...but...our Father? Could it be? Did Erani really mean what she said...? The voice belonging to the black figure spoke, confirming his thoughts. ?You?ve come? My sons have come home!? He swallowed, almost choking on the lump that was formed in his throat. Their Father...they had found their Father...Immediately he turned to see his brother rush forward. Greeting the male. He watched his brothers reunion with him. The male too chockfull of emotions to move, speak, even breath. He saw in the black man's eyes, the fear held within them. Along with a vast range of other things, fear seemed to be etched there the most. Was he afraid that his sons would reject him? He had been the one they were looking for his entire life. Unmoving, Caerul stood there. Trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. He would allow his brothers to reunite with their long lost Father...and then, if his body allowed, he'd greet the lost family they had been searching years for.