
you let her go



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-01-2021, 06:42 PM
Lilith nodded as Eska offered to perhaps try and figure out waterproofing together, she actually quite liked the sound of it. She didn’t know this woman but she could tell she had a good heart, she reminded her of the feeling Resin had. Safety and wisdom. It was nice, but more than that she could feel how much she cared for her father, getting him such a lovely gift, but also having that connection. She wouldn’t have been here right now had Ulric not offered her a purpose. He convinced her to carve her place here, and the reason was given. She loved him too.

The emotion she felt was fear and uncertainty at the words, but there was also a warmth that bubbled up in her belly and made her silver lips turn up into a grin. Silence would fall between them, Lilith wasn’t sure if she should say anything. She adored her father, and wanted him to be happy. She knew… she knew deep down in her heart that her mother was never coming back, and keeping that space in her heart reserved for her was neither productive or helpful.

Eska looked back to her sweetly, asking if she would like it if she remained here so that the two of them might await Ulric’s presence together. Lilith nodded sheepishly. She didn’t like close physical contact but she didn’t like to be alone either. ”I would like that,” she returned softly, looking up at Eska with tired garnet eyes. ”You won’t leave like…” She didn’t finish her question, unable to speak the names of the woman that had come and gone from her father’s life. She had averted her gaze, winding if she had been too forward.

Lillith Adravendi