
Having a bloody good time

Alyce & Alastor



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-01-2021, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2021, 03:53 PM by Manea. Edited 3 times in total.)
ooc: To anyone that might be reading this thread besides Joe, Resin, or myself - this is going to be extremely graphic and mature! You have been warned <3

It was late in the evening as Manea laid at the mouth of the cavern that she and her mate had chosen to stay in for the night. The rocks that lined the cave shimmered with any glimpse of light that peeked into it and after some water from a high tide washed away she was able to find a good selection of fish left at the back of the cavern. She was lounging in the dark sand that led up to the shore side cave, listening to the waves rolling in while she peeled back the skin from one of the fish to remove the scales and expose the tender flesh underneath. It certainly made for a pleasant place to stay and offered an easy meal so she couldn't complain. The only thing she could complain about is the fact that her heat had fully taken hold her own stubborn plans kept her from indulging in the one thing she wanted and needed.

She thought about just giving in, having her way with Alastor and just forgetting the build up she had been creating for their honeymoon. Any wolf she happened to cross paths with had some kind of pack scent on them or was too young or male or some other qualification that they didn't meet for what she needed. While she wasn't necessarily afraid of the packs, she also didn't want to tempt fate when she was preparing herself to start their family in earnest. She steered clear of pack wolves for their purposes because of that, but since so many damn wolves seemed to be members of packs around here it made her job difficult. She nibbled at her dinner while she waited for Alastor to return, considering her options and looking out over the ocean. She had sent him to find berries to go with their meal - mostly just to get him away from her and her raging desires for a moment.

The sound of paws moving across the sand made her ears flick toward the noise. She smirked, speaking as her turquoise gaze shifted to see who she expected to be her mate, "Back so soon? I thought that-" Her sentence cut off as her gaze landed on a woman, small and plump, with a plain white coat from what she could see. Manea raised a brow at the stranger, eyeing her curiously. "Hm. You're not who I was expecting." She glanced between the fae and the pile of fish that she had clearly thought that she could stupidly take from. She looked back at the unassuming woman, studying her for a moment as she rose to her paws, sauntering toward her till she was towering over her.

A large, feline paw grabbed the woman's jaw, feeling her soft flesh give way easily. No hint of a pack's scent on her, no traces of any wolves at all. No one would come looking for her then. She wasn't exactly the prettiest thing to look at, but at this point Manea certainly wasn't picky. A grin slowly pulled across her features and she chuckled deep in her throat. "You'll do." Without another word she grabbed the girl's scruff between her teeth and lifted her off the ground till just her back legs were dangling and began dragging her into the darkness of the cavern, hiding her away from any prying eyes.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny