
The stars, they smile for you

Iroh <3



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
07-02-2021, 02:41 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2021, 02:41 PM by Iroh. Edited 1 time in total.)
He had never felt so complete as when their paws were placed carefully over her subtly swelling belly. Iroh had never been terribly emotional, but even he could feel the subtle prick of a tear in his eye as he thought about the future they had to look forward to. This was everything they wanted together and Iroh felt his heart soar. He thought he couldn’t love Elise anymore than he did but as he looked down into her beautiful eyes and held her against him he felt a surge of adoration. They were going to be parents together. He never doubted her throughout their relationship, they’d been actively hoping for this for a while, and only time and patience was needed to succeed. Nature would take its course.

He grinned as he breathed her in, their gazes meeting in pure love and adoration. Finally having this was a great relief and excitement at the same time, they were moving on to the next stage in their lives together. ”I love you, Elise.” He whispered back, their lips brushing as they spoke together. Iroh’s deep blue eyes moldered with the fire that was ever present beneath his skin. He only barely held back his desire for his mate, there was no one else who excited him or turned him on like his beautiful woman. She pressed her lips to his and he fell deep into her passionate kiss. Elise was everything he hoped and dreamed and everyday their love grew, especially in moments like this.

She wasn’t done with him yet, Elise teased him softly, telling him they should try again just to be certain she was really pregnant. ”Just once?” He couldn’t help but chuckle against her lips, into her own amused giggles. He leaned into her affections as she nibbled and teased at his skin. She knew he had no ability to resist her and he followed her lead with no reservations, even as she suggested the lake. ”You can steal me away whenever you want,” He groaned against her cheek as his own teeth nibbled against her fur before she slipped away from his grasp and beckoned him to follow after her. There was no choice besides following her and Iroh did so with pleasure.

He kept up with her stride, bumping into her hip playfully as they went. He always felt like he was a kid when he was with her. Happy and giddy, like there really weren’t any problems in the world and all that mattered was that they were together. Iroh adored that about her, how every encounter felt like it was the first time but also like they had been together for a lifetime. No one else completed him like she did, and he knew there was no other woman who could compare.

Iroh Abraxas

Where My Demons Hide