
next new age abraxas 3:15-20


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-02-2021, 04:45 PM

The young Abraxas had taken herself down to the shore, the unseasonably cold wind whipping through her fur as she looked out at Dove Island with eyes narrowed against the glaring sun. For all it's brightness it barely shed any warmth down upon them at all. As much as she wished to cross today, something told her she should stay close to the shrine, and so she heeded that gut feeling, her rump planted in the sand, her toes flexing to feel the way it shifted beneath her. A white bellied kite was wheeling overhead, calling to her shrilly, tempting her to follow, and she wanted to! She wanted to race the bird to the Ashen boarders and beyond. To feel the cold air burning its way into her lungs with each thundering step... But this was where she belonged.

The girl tried her best to live up to her name, but with her ever expanding frame and bright coloured coat, it was difficult to keep a low profile. I wasn't that she was yet growing gracefully, nothing could be further from the truth, all massive paws and ears on long gangly legs. The girl was still prone to the occasional stumble as were all her age mates, she was sure, but recently she had begun to wonder just how different she might be from mortal wolves. In naming her, she could only assume  to reach her full potential and ascend from this mortal flesh prison that she would need to embrace it, to be unpretentious, fair and decent. To be unassuming. To never overestimate her own abilities...

She shook, her quills clattering as she did so. To be modest, almost seemed to be the opposite of godly, and it caused the girl no small amount of angst as she spent a fair chunk of her spare time trying to puzzle it out. What had they meant in giving her that name? If she was of the gods then what gave them the right to dictate her future?

These were dangerous thoughts, and she knew it, but thankfully she was pulled from her brooding by her mothers summons. She would live up to her name and earn her place, she was determined. Drawing a deep breath she returned to the shrine, not rushing like on previous occasions, but with purposeful, measured steps. She found herself a fur upon entering the shrine and settled with her front paws crossed before her, attentively looking towards her mother and waiting for the sermon to begin. If there were answers to be found, her mother would know of them, and showing her appropriate respect was the quickest way to find a path to them.


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