
stay with me



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
07-02-2021, 11:25 PM
Emersyn delighted in the way Indigo played with her in turn, his little kisses moving from her muzzle to her exposed throat, feeling tender lips and careful sabers grazing over her skin with a passion that demanded attention. Her paws flexed, digits gripping at his back with a need she was slowly coming more familiar with in the pit of her belly, coiling and uncoiling itself like a spring waiting to burst. It seemed like her giant bear of a wolf lover enjoyed playing with that spring inside her as his kisses moved down her throat, making her breath come out ragged and stuttering. Toes curled as her hips squirmed and pressed more into his, her body moving and reacting almost on its own in response to the masterful way he was manipulating her senses. It was as if Indigo was worshipping every part of her, savoring her, memorizing her body with lips and teeth and tongue and paws. She was more than happy to let him study to his heart's content.

She took her time to savor Indigo as well. His rich, masculine musk filled her senses and gave her a heady rush of pheromones. The way his thick fur felt between her paws while she clung to him, his massive, strong, well-built body that could easily overwhelm and overpower her pressed all around her. He was a perfect specimen of a brute: a gold standard for all males around the world. Em gasped quietly when she felt Indigo's larger paw dip down the curve of her back to loop around her waist, gripping a hip to pull her body tighter to his where she could feel his heat and passion the strongest. Em bit her lip to stifle another needy whine that slipped past, rolling her hips into a slow yet insistent grind to his, using soft fur and warm skin to try an elicit some of those sounds she'd heard him make last night.

Indigo's comment that he couldn't resist her brought a proud, feminine grin to Em's features. She had never considered herself a beautiful wolf, but Indigo made her feel like a goddess. He made her feel valuable, desirable, worthy of love. That fire he kindled in her raged into an inferno when he adjusted his hips and sank himself into her. Emersyn's gasp joined his groan, her claws digging into his shoulders for purchase while he cradled her body against his, the dusty purple fae's vision going blurry as her senses drowned in a lake of fire, molten desire melting her from within as she and Indigo became one. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, not to hide herself anymore, but to smother herself in Indy. Her legs wrapped around his waist while their bodies moved together in harmony, familiar pleasures and sensations returning as she rolled and moved against him and with him at once, feeling as if she couldn't be close enough to this man that had given her a new life.

The best part of their coupling was how caring and attentive Indy was throughout. At no point did he stop paying attention to her, responding to every gasp and cry and moan like he was learning her every intimate spot. She tried to do her best to follow his lead, learn what he liked, learn what made him make those noises or cause him to shake with ecstasy. Not once did she consider asking him to stop, all fear and pain gone from her and all she knew was love and passion. As that passion burned hotter until she couldn't take it anymore, Em brought herself out of Indy's neck to capture his mouth in a deeply passionate kiss, tasing him against her tongue while she whined with release, clinging to Indigo like he was all that was keeping her in this world.

It was only once they'd both reached the peaks of their pleasure did Emersyn's body relax and sink back into the bed and into Indigo's hold, the fae left panting and trembling from her body's intense reactions to his brand of passion. Em had difficulty flickering her eyes open, but when she did, she immediately sought out the deep sapphire that brought her so much peace and security. Basking in the afterglow of euphoria with Indy felt like all of her greatest dreams come true. A wide, satisfied smile found its home on her lips while she slowly released her grip on his mane, bringing one paw around to touch his cheek with a gentle caress. "What did I do to deserve someone as good as you, Indy...?" she whispered once she'd caught her breath enough to speak reverence for her savior. "You're too good to me."
