
Rip and tear

Alastor - hunting desert bighorn sheep



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

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7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-03-2021, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2021, 02:52 PM by Manea. Edited 1 time in total.)
Manea smirked at her bloodthirsty husband's demand that they rip and tear, thinking to herself that this was less of a hunt and more of a slaughter. It didn't really matter to her - they never struggled to find food to eat. This was less about fulfilling their hunger for food and more about giving them an outlet for their pent up desires. It wouldn't satisfy the one she really wanted to quench, but a lovely afternoon of ripping some sheep to pieces would do for now. Alastor took off like a deadly bolt of powerful muscle, but she wasn't far behind. She hung back just enough to watch her mate act as a true force of nature, grabbing the closest ewe and shaking it around before crushing its skull between his powerful jaws like it was little more than a piece of fruit. A little shiver of lust and desire went down her spine as she watched him thrive in his element, a grin pulling at her lips while her aqua gaze lingered on his imposing form. It was hard to focus on her own hunt when the only thing she really wanted to hunt was him.

Forcing herself to look away for a moment, she locked her eyes on the next ewe that was closest to her, darting forward till she could leap forward and hook her large, deadly paws around its shoulders, stopping it in its tracks with her vicious claws digging deep into its flesh. She chuckled and yanked it to the ground with a wicked grin. She got one of her tiger-like paws onto his throat and pinned it to the ground by its neck, watching it struggle and flail under her grasp while it's panicked bleats filled the air. Her gaze darkened with a malicious hunger as she let her claws extend from her paw to slice through its throat, stabbing through its trachea. Suddenly its bleating became a choked, gurgling sound, its blood pooling around her toes and dripping from it's mouth as it started to suffocate on its own blood. As much as she would have loved to just wait and let it slowly suffer and die, she didn't want the other sheep to get away so she had her fun for a moment longer before she yanked her paw back and ripped through its throat, spilling a pool of blood across the ground before she turned to grab the next one in the herd.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny