
something i must live with



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
07-03-2021, 05:15 PM
Siren wasn’t sure she would ever get used to these intense feelings Dalila created in her, more than the physical was the emotional connection. The tiny princess gave the slave her heart, wholy no conditions attached, she loved her. Dalila held her tight, safe, sound, and warded against anything outside that threatened this perfect moment together. The young Klein breathed in the subtle perfume that lingered on the fur she nuzzled into. Her skin remained sensitive and her heartbeat fast, but she easily settled against Dalila and relaxed fully against her patchwork form. She could feel the woman shift and she looked up as the tears swelled, their gazes met and Siren was flooded with emotion yet again. Like intense waves of love every moment felt like there was more of it between them. Dalila reached down and kissed her tears away, much like she chased the silly sorrows she let herself get carried away in.

”Dalila,” she breathed in return. Siren wasn’t even certain of why she felt herself crying. A culmination of the length of day and how emotionally drained she was. There wasn’t anything to compare what she just shared with Dalila but she could feel herself at the end of her energy. Sleep called her. Siren snuggled closer to Dalila as she held her tight, a silent promise she wasn’t going anywhere. There was a vow said between them but everything went so much deeper than just a word to go on.

Dalila stroked her long fur loving, much like she had done so many times before but its meaning had changed. Siren was soothed not only by the gentle rhythmic affection but the soft hum that fell from dark lips. There weren’t any words but the tune lulled her further into a dual embrace of sleep. Siren uttered a heavy sigh, her body devoid of tension or stress as she lay snug against Dalila’s chest, fit perfectly against her body and surrounded by the woman who loved her. ”Good night.” She whispered quietly, her voice soft and tired as she tried not to interrupt the beautiful song Dalila hummed for her. But Siren’s exhaustion caught up with her, the day took its toll. ”I love you.” She said again, uncertain she would ever tire of reminding her however risky the practice may be. Siren shifted slightly to steal a kiss for the night before burying her features in Dalila’s neck. Sleep would swiftly claim her and usher her into the best sleep of her short life.
