
Having a bloody good time

Alyce & Alastor


07-03-2021, 08:09 PM

Starving. Alyce was starving. Yes, she'd eaten earlier, but it hadn't been anything more than a rabbit that she'd stolen from a stoat. The damn thing had bitten her nose really good too. It had made her bleed and the sight of her own blood made her both angry and nauseous. She'd smacked the thing with one chubby paw before taking the rabbit and running away as quickly as she could. Alyce made short work of the rabbit, but a few hours later she was hungry again. Her stomach protested loudly and she groaned, ready to gorge herself on grass or leaves or something.

Alyce's parents had always kept her fed. For two years they'd made her plump and spoiled and then... without warning... they had kicked her out of the pack. According to them, she needed to learn to fend for herself. She needed to learn to contribute and not be so lazy. The pale girl was furious. How dare they kick her out? Didn't they know that she would starve to death without the pack? She didn't know how to hunt because she'd never cared to learn. Why bother when she was never going to hunt anyway? The food just kept on coming to her. Her brother's and sisters had all gone off to do their own things, but at two years, the small, portly fae just wanted to stay home forever and be fed.

As the girl complained in her mind, the scent of fish struck her dark nose and Alyce instantly began to drool. Without realizing it, she had altered her path and began moving towards the scent. Eventually she came to a cavern and she crept forward. There was a WHOLE PILE of fish! One white paw moved up to wipe the moisture from her mouth before she tried to stalk silently forward. A voice sounded and Alyce froze, blue eyes going wide. A moment later there was a giant woman striding towards her. Danger lights flashed in her mind, but Alyce couldn't make herself move.

"F-f-fish..." she stuttered out as the purple fae grabbed her chin. Fear struck her in her empty gut and the young wolf weakly tried to struggle, but soon there were teeth in her scruff and she was being pulled towards the dark mouth of the cavern. "Wait, no! I'm sorry! You can keep all of the fish! I was just hungry!" Alyce weakly kicked out, claws trying to grab onto the stone floor of the cavern, all to no avail. Soon the darkness claimed her chubby, pale form.
