
Our slice of heaven

Eska <3



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-03-2021, 08:44 PM

Having dinner together and resting on the balcony was becoming a regular occurrence for the newly devoted pair. It was what Eska looked forward to at the end of each long day. She worked hard so that she could feel good about spending her evenings at her leisure, losing herself in the man that she had come to love. The man that she believed loved her as well. Initially there had been doubts simply due to his past, his hardships and the number of surprises that he'd sprung on her, but now there were no doubts. Eska trusted Ulric whole heartedly.

As the pair of them finished their dinner and were laying together, Eska curled against the larger wolf's side, Ulric nuzzled into her ear and spoke. Drawing back a bit, Eska raised a curious obsidian brow. "A surprise? What are you up to?" The woman's golden gaze narrowed, but she was terribly intrigued by this surprise. What on earth could it be?

After the stolen kiss, Eska rose and moved along beside Ulric, their sides brushing down the entire hall. When he pushed open the door to a room that she'd never been in and motioned for her to go inside, the silvered woman searched his face first, curiosity sparkling in the citrine pools before she moved forward. Entering the room, Eska was taken aback by it. The four poster bed was massive and was mounded with furs. The canopy overhead was a very nice touch. The woman moved forward, raising one paw to stroke one of the wooden posts before moving towards the doors that would lead out onto a private balcony. Like 'their' balcony, this one gave a view of the ocean that they both enjoyed. Back inside, she inspected the wardrobe and admired the fireplace across from the massive bed.

Ulrics words as he told her that they could change anything that she wanted were silenced with a kiss. With one paw, she cupped his cheek and gently led him into the room. With the other, she shut the door behind him. "It's perfect," she whispered between kisses. "You're perfect." Again and again she kissed him and with each kiss, she led him closer to the bed. Leaving him at the side, she jumped up onto it, sinking into the plush comfort with a sound of appreciation. Eska's golden eyes glittered darkly as she extended a paw to him. "Come here and let me thank you." They needed to break this new bed in, right?

"Eska Datura Timber"