
Our slice of heaven

Eska <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
07-03-2021, 11:11 PM
Ulric stood in the doorway and watched Eska as she moved through the room, examining the bed, the balcony, the wardrobe, the fireplace... a smile lingering on his features as he leaned into the door frame and just appreciated her. He had been a little nervous to show her what he had been working on, but now that she was here and taking everything in he just kept imagining seeing her here at the beginning and end of every day, waking up with her in this bed, sitting on the balcony with her at night. Just spending his life with her. Of course he loved the physical aspects of their relationship now that it was frequently a part of their routine now as well, but he just loved her on her own. Everything that she was. He was happy just seeing her exist in the world. He took in how the moonlight filtering in through the windows and open doors played so beautifully on her silver markings, he enjoyed the subtle feminine curve of her body, the subtle ripple of muscle that moved under her plush coat. Gods, he didn't know it was possible to be this hopelessly in love with one wolf, but Eska made it possible.

Before he could even finish telling her how they could change anything to fit her desires, she walked up to him and silenced him with a kiss, making him hum with surprise and delight. He gave her his signature lop sided grin as she led him into the room, his silver gaze entranced in the golden pools of her eyes as she brought him in and closed the door behind him. He returned each kiss he was given, more than eager to enjoy each and every one. He was glad to hear that she liked their new room and gave her a silly grin and chuckled when she insisted that he was perfect as well. He felt very far from perfect, but he tried to do his best for her. She deserved nothing less. "You're the one that's perfect," he whispered in return between their kisses, each kiss pulling him toward their new bed and flaring more of that never ending desire he held for her to life. It didn't take much more than a glance from her to get him to want her so this enticing trail of kisses practically had him desperate for her by the time they reached the edge of the bed.

When she hopped into the bed he grinned as he watched her settle into the pile of furs and pillows, taking his breath away as he just stood there for a moment taking in the sight of his gorgeous partner laid across their bed, the sheer panels of fabric swaying in and out of the corners of his vision, her citrine gaze holding the most enticing glance that sent a shiver of lust through him. He chuckled at her invitation, a low rumbling sound in his chest, as he replied, "You don't have to tell me twice, beautiful." He hoisted himself up onto the bed beside her, settling into the furs with her and wrapping a strong foreleg around her waist, pulling her tight to him with another grin, leaning his head down to press a passionate kiss to her lips. "I love you," he whispered against her lips between kisses, his paws tracing her sides and hips, his claws dancing over her skin.

Ulric Adravendi