
Love at First Sight [babies!]



08-02-2013, 11:22 PM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2013, 11:27 PM by Song.)

She shouldn't have been traveling. She knew she shouldn't have left her den in the first place. The decision was made, and she would live with the consequences. She needed to be with Cherokee though, he had to be with her when the pups came and that was why she was so far away from home. Song had left the den in good spirits, the sun was setting on a beautifully hot day and she had foreseen little trouble in her way. Her pretty white paws had easily retraced her steps back to Dimenticato, and back to her family. That was where her husband would be found, trying to reunite his wife with her kin.
He was late though, he should have been back by now. The pups would be born any day and he was still gone away from her. So she trotted along, trying to get to where he was so she wouldn't have to bear their pups alone. She had not accurately remembered how far away she was really going however and after only a few hours of travel she thought she might faint. She had grown so big since she had found herself to be pregnant. Now that the effects of the day had caught up to her it was becoming difficult to continue. She was incredibly swollen, and she was unsure but thought she might have felt the start of contractions.
If she didn't find her mate soon she knew she was going to be in a heap of trouble, so onward she pushed herself. The heat from the summer atmosphere was weighing her down, her tongue rolled from her lips in an attempt to keep cool. She needed a drink, thankfully she was still able to follow the river. With great care she picked her way down the river's bank, dipping her heavy head to the surface. Great laps of water were drawn in with her salmon colored tongue, careful to keep herself from drinking too much.
When the last bit of water dribbled down her throat she was tempted to take a rest. The journey was wearing on her and she knew it. If she was to have enough strength to expel her little ones she needed to find a place soon. That was when she smelled her salvation. The lightest scent of her newly found friend, Bronze wafted through her nose. Where Bronze was, Silent was and Silent would be able to help her. She was a close second to Cherokee on the list of wolves she wanted with her during the trying task of birth.
Bronze had mentioned they lived in Seracia, could she hope that the territory was close by? As her feet carried her away from the river she had a glimmer of hope that things would become easier for her. It was quite crushed when she heard the thunder. A loud crack startled the pale she wolf, and almost instantaneously the sky opened into a downpour. The clouds had rolled in with quiet malice and now Song would feel its wrath. Seconds passed and she became soaked, going from impossibly hot to becoming colder with every step. She needed to find the borders now.
With a whimper she felt the real pain of her first contraction. It stopped her in her tracks, almost taking her to the ground. She had felt little pain close enough to describe that moment. With great effort she pushed herself onward, knowing that to ensure the safety of her children she would have to get out of the elements. If they were birthed on the ground now they would surely die. She begged her paws to move faster, even in the pouring rain she could tell that her destination was looming closer. She was sure she would perish in the storm if she could not find the territory.
The pains grew closer and more intense as they passed. Her first child would be born in moments. Song snarled in agony as she forced her body to continue onward. She was almost there!

With a great howl of pain Song collapsed onto the ground, her paws would not let her move farther. She needed help, and she needed it now. With all the effort she could muster a painful scream for help left her lips, right as Dhiren entered the world. A labored gasp escaped her lips as she turned to tend to the small boy. Her body was numb, her brain was in shambles. Somehow instinct was able to find enough control her movements, she would shield the helpless whelp from the elements with her own tired body, while licking him and stimulating him to cry. She had to know he was okay...
