
Mixing Business and Pleasure

Rûga & Keetie



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-04-2021, 05:06 PM

Rûga had been fully prepared to go into a fight with the both of them, but Lorikeet unsurprisingly pulled a twist on them. He smirked when she issued them a challenge - whoever wins deserves a kiss. If there was something he had learned about the blue-marked woman already was that she was feisty and clever, always bringing some kind of twist and turn. It was one of the many things that attracted him to the woman - and it seemed to get Sitka's attention as well. When he looked at his friend and client, the monochrome brute seemed throughly amused by the idea and made a comment about how Lorikeet must be a hell of a time. The grin he wore said all that needed to be said. She was a hell of a time and more. He scoffed a bit at the request to not fuck up his face, giving Sitka an amused glance in return. "I dunno what you're protecting with that ugly mug, but a deal's a deal," He teased as he settled into a fighting stance as well.

Sitka kicked off the fight right away, launching himself toward Rûga with outstretched paws and open jaws. Rûga snarled dug his claws into the ground to brace for his opponent's attack, letting Sitka's forelegs find purchase around his neck. He quickly turned his head just as Sitka's jaws were reaching for his neck though, giving a swing of his head to try and knock his forehead into Sitka's cheek and shove his muzzle away from his neck to keep him from getting a bite in and maybe disorient him depending on how hard he was able to hit. He also lifted a foreleg to try and hook it around the back of Sitka's neck and tried to throw his weight with that extra leverage to knock Sitka onto his back.

Rûga Amanto vs Sitka Thánatos for Right to Kiss Lorikeet
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Novice Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

"Rûga Amanto"