
Having a bloody good time

Alyce & Alastor


07-05-2021, 07:04 AM

What was even happening right now? No one had ever handled her like this in all of her life. Alyce continued to kick and squirm but the big woman was much too powerful for her. As she was pulled into the cave, the purple fae's teeth began to cut into her flesh and Alyce squealed, struggling anew. "Wait! Ow!" Terribly eloquent, the plump, floppy fae's words would have no affect on her captor. Alyce's claws scraped against the stone floor as she was pulled deeper into the dark hole in the earth. Once she thought she had a good grip, but the woman continued pulling her right on through.

In time, Alyce was thrown onto the stone floor, a gasp pulling from her as a paw pressed her into the ground. Her neck burned from the bite and soon there was a stinging on her side to accompany that bite. Why would someone do this to her? She'd never done anything. Nothing at all! Alyce tried to curl in on herself and doing so muffled the giant woman's words. Hiding her face wouldn't do much as soon there were teeth in her ear. Those teeth pushed through flesh and cartilage and Alyce screamed loudly, white hot pain reducing her flaccid form to gelatinous tremors. "P-please... don't!" Once her ear was shredded and the blood poured down the side of her face, Alyce tried once again to curl her body into a ball, protecting her face. She squeezed her eyes tight as though that would make all of the bad monsters go away, but it had the opposite affect.

A male voice joined in with the horrible woman's and Alyce was able to control her manic thoughts long enough to hear what was being said. A chew toy? Horror cut through Alyce like cold ice and the pale woman began to struggle again, looking for a means of escape. Her brilliant blue eyes could see the light of the cavern opening and she had it in mind to make a beeline towards it. Her paws began to scrabble over the stone but the woman had a hold of her in an instant, slamming her back onto her stomach. This time she was facing... what? The insane fae told her to eat and Alyce didn't understand at all. There was no food here. Besides, starving or not, she didn't want anything from these wolves.

"Please let me go. I won't tell anyone that you're here. Just, please... Don't hurt me anymore!" She still didn't understand what fate had in store for her. She couldn't have wrapped her dull little mind around it anyway. Lust, love, mating and all that... it had never meant anything to her. For Alyce, it was all about sweet, sweet food. Would she ever get to taste a juicy apple again? Would she ever consume a haunch of deer all to herself? That thought in itself brought a wail of sadness from the young fae, tears filling and falling from the only pretty feature that she possessed.
