
Rip and tear

Alastor - hunting desert bighorn sheep



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-05-2021, 04:15 PM
Manea abandoned the dying ewe, satisfied that it would bleed out on its own within moments, so that she could chase after Alastor as he ran down the last two sheep of the small herd. He had his sights set on the ram so she went for the last of the ewes, darting past Alastor and his prey just as the ram turned back to make a last ditch effort to fight off its attackers. Poor, dumb animal. She caught up to the ewe fairly quickly, sinking her claws into its rump and jerking it to the ground, sending the poor thing skidding and rolling through the dirt. She immediately pinned it down on its back, its legs flailing in the air, and her vicious jaws clamped down on one of its back legs near a joint, biting and twisting hard till the bone and sinew snapped and more of those delightful screams and bleats came from her prey. She did the same to the second hind leg, leaving both of the limbs dangling uselessly with half of the leg nearly detached. With the ewe most certainly not going anywhere fast, she turned her attention back toward Alastor to see how he was getting on with the ram.

Her aqua gaze landed on her mate just in time to see him press his paws to the back of the ram's head and twist and yank one of its curved horns right off of its skull. A wicked grin pulled across her lips as she watched him, a picture perfect example of a ruthless hunter and a vicious killer. Meanwhile, the ewe she had been hunting was forgotten behind her, the animal till crying out in pain and panic while it tried to flail and drag itself away on its two remaining legs, leaving a trail of blood behind it as it slowly moved till it collapsed. She watched with enraptured attention while Alastor stabbed the horn back into the ram's skull, making her cackle at the horrific brilliance of the way he killed things. Hunting was no longer a means of necessity when her demon was around. It was a whole pass time in of itself with Alastor being the star of the show.

The ewe behind her eventually went quiet as it bled till it passed out, eventually succumbing to the wounds on its own. Manea barely noticed, far more entertained by her mate as he stirred up the brains of the ram with its own horn while it spasmed and slowly died as he made its brain into mush within its own skull. She chuckled as she walked toward him, savoring that look of absolute madness and fire in his obsidian gaze. Gods, how she wanted him to take that fire out on her... Soon. Very soon. "You've out done yourself this time, my darling," she commented with a smirk, looking down at the bloody, mess he had created.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny