
Next New Age Abraxas 2:23-30



Expert Intellectual (150)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - AsexualValentines 2020VolcanoDream Weaver
Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-05-2021, 05:32 PM

Tox waited and waited for the last of the pups to arrive. When it became apparent some were going to be missing the sermon, Tox made a mental note to meet with Venom and the absentees. These were not light lessons meant to be skipped. Once all the other pups had settled and Tox had acknowledged them, she began before they had a chance to get bored.

"In the last sermon, you all learned what special place you hold in this world. You are gods by blood and few things can take that away from you. But you might wonder, 'Where does that leave the others I come in contact with? What about my other family?'"

Tox paused to let them contemplate, much as her father had in the past. "The answer is not simple, but in essence, there are gods, there are demons, there are all types of divine beings, and there are mortals. We all have mortal bodies. It's our blood and souls that set us apart. In return for that, many of us-" she looked to the kids with mutated features - "Will be blessed with assets abnormal to most mortals in order to help us conquer this world."

She was proud so many of the kids bore wonderful blessings, but she wasn't even for a second disappointed in the ones who didn't or wouldn't.
"However, the ones of you who don't show those blessings are not any less blessed. Likewise, one can never tell what a mortal is hiding as far as potential. Both litters have very different families, but both are very splendid in their own ways. Furthermore, it is impossible to navigate this world without interacting with wolves who are mortals, wolves who are servants, slaves, and the like."

She had high expectations for the litters, and she planned to lay it out for them clearly.
"We cant expect mortals to understand the grandeur of God. If you find one who chooses to accept and celebrate that with you, hold onto them tight and keep them in your life. Those who reject God are meant to be punished, either in life or death. Regular suffering dulls in comparison to the true suffering God will to bestow on those who reject him, just as those who had a hand in his fall to this realm."

It was important for the pups to know early on the punishment for not being faithful to God. Such was the destiny for all mortals left neglected.

"Because of that, when we are able to bring mortals, demons, and other divine worshipers onto our side, it is a time to rejoice for we have saved them from their eternal punishment and washed their pelts of God's blood, making them clean again and welcomed into Gods home when they ascend." Toxicity offered a gentle smile. Each pup could rest assured the their families could be saved through them. "Likewise, those who sin against God should be sent to their punishment, and we are to enact such punishment on their mortal vessels as well."

It was heavy stuff to take in, but the sermon was almost over and then they would have time to absorb all that was said. "Knowing mortals, befriending them, making them your spouse... All those things can help us to further extend God's reach so long as they do not shake your faith. Those who try to sway you should be discarded and disposed of to the best of your ability. Every new follower is spared from God's wrath. It is not just to simply treat every mortal with distain- many are ignorant to their sins. However, you- with God at your side- are the judges of this world."


Due 07/16!