
Can You Catch The Fog?


08-02-2013, 11:56 PM

Silent as the fog that rolls in during the night, a white figure stood at the borders. It moved with an unearthly grace, seeming to float along the grounds. An epiphany of fog itself only that embodied in the being of a predator. Silent as the moon and stars above it, it traveled the lines the owners of this land claimed. Like the land, it took could not leave. Forever stuck in this place until her curse was broken. Sooner or later it would come, like the sun rising to warm the lands and chasing the chilling fog away. Each movement was taken with precise measurements. One had to with limited sight. White wolfess was permently blind in one eye, while with other was a deep forest green, at times referred to as an emerald color. It was an unknown fact whether she was born is way or not.

Stopping the white creature took it's time to san the lands with one good eye. So this is where she would live from now on? Isardis had managed to sway her here with him with smooth words. What else would she do? After all she didn't even know who she was. She cold not remember, every thing seemed to be stolen away from her. With not knowing anyone that might be looking for her or needing her, she had followed silently. Plus he had force claimed her, giving no choice really. She wondered where that albino of a ale was. Something about him was, charming? Captivating? She wasn't too sure. Eyes raised to the night sky, why could she not sleep? It would seem she was not the type to dwell during the daylight much but thrive under the night skies. Perhaps it had something to do with who she had once been. With a soft huff muzzle parted and she called out to the charming man in a low howl. It was not commanding, but a simple questioning if he too was out and about.
