
Like mother like son




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
07-06-2021, 01:23 PM
Her answer made his blue yes go wide with surprise and an even bigger grin pull across his lips - if that was even possible. He had watched her on hunts and had tracked a few little creatures on his own during his adventures, but he'd never actually killed something himself! His tail wagged like crazy and it was hard to sit still when she brought him over to an old tree, but he managed under his mom's stern gaze. He nodded eagerly in agreement to her order, watching her walk off while he fidgeted with excitement, even a short wait feeling like a life time. While he was waiting he watched a hare that was maybe a dozen feet form him hopping across the prairie, occasionally pausing to nibble at some grass or something on the ground. He wiggled in place, resisting the urge to go chase after it. He wouldn't though - he had promised his mother he'd stay right here!

A few minutes ticked by and he just kept watching the hare for lack of anything else to do and then seemingly out of no where a big hawk swooped down from the sky and grabbed the hare, swooping back up into the sky with it with the hare squeaking and flailing to try and get away. His mouth dropped open with shock and he watched the hawk carry off the hare before his grin returned and he hopped up, his tail wagging excitedly again. "That was so cool!" he said to no one as he watched it disappear into the distance. If only he had a big bird like his dad did, then it could catch all kinds of animals for him! Well, little ones anyway. Maybe he'd ask his dad how he got Owl so he could try getting his own bird too. He didn't want Owl though, he complained too much.

He settled back down beside the tree now that the little bit of excitement was over so that he could continue waiting on his mom to come back. Eventually she did, even though it felt like it took forever, but she returned with a surprise - a young one of the pronghorns he had spotted before. His eyes lit up and he hopped up with excitement when she let it go, letting him to show her how he hunts. "Okay!" he said eagerly, setting his sights on the fawn as it started trying to get away now that it realized it was free. It's legs were wobbly though and it wasn't moving all that fast, though it was picking up speed now that it was gaining its bearings.

He tried to put everything they had been practicing into practice, remembering to keep out of the way of the fawn's legs as he ran up to it and making his movements all very deliberate, knowing how second guessing and stuff like that could be bad and he could get hurt if he was hunting something really big. Of course even this fawn was bigger than him, but still, he wanted to show his mom that he was listening in their lessons! He ran up behind the fawn as fast as his little legs could carry him, catching up to the fawn and getting up beside it. He reached out and bit down on its front leg, realizing has his teeth sank into its leg that his longer fangs were actually really helpful for getting a good grip on it. They had seemed kind of annoying and in the way until now so he was excited that they had a good use!

He dug his feet in to the dirt and stopped, making the fawn trip and stumble, falling over onto its side. Arc quickly let go of its leg then, jumping up to its neck to stop it before it could get up as it tried to flail its way back to its feet. As he was jumping over its legs to hurry and get to its neck, one of its spindly, flailing legs caught his back legs and made him stumble, sending him rolling through the dirt for a second. Unfazed by the small set back and too focused on proving he could do it, he scrambled back to his paws and pounced on the side of the pronghorn's neck, hooking his claws into it and pulling it back to the ground. He bit really hard into its throat, feeling his fangs sink into it and tasting hot blood on his tongue for the first time. It wasn't exactly the most effective kill in the world since he had to bite a couple times to get a good hold on it and ended up having to rip and shake his head some to finally kill it, but he did it! He hopped back from the pronghorn, looking up at his mother with bloody lips and paws, grinning and wiggling with excitement. "How was that?! That was fun!"

"Arcturus Fatalis"