
Next New Age Abraxas 2:23-30



Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
07-08-2021, 03:53 PM

It wasn't long before the rest of the youngsters began to trickle in, with his much larger sister Modesty opting to settle at his side with her own snack. He gently leaned his weight towards her, shoulder bumping against hers in a small gesture of affection. A small thump of his tail against the furs belying his delight at having his sister close. Not too soon after, though noticeably past the point where their mother was growing frustrated, Faith emerged. The anxious gait and low slung head was not typical, and the boy was instantly on his guard. What was wrong? When she laid down on the same fur as him, pressed in tight to his other side, the boy made a soft rumbling sound in his chest. An attempt at quiet comfort, though a piss poor one no doubt. He was already abandoning his earlier conviction to present as a perfect son, cool and aloof. He wanted to comfort his sister. She was all but tucked right up into his flank, their sides pressed close for nearly the entire length of their bodies. She was definitely not feeling well, and he was certainly going to check in on her after the sermon. For now, the mauve and charcoal youth nuzzled the tip of his snout into the space just under her ear and behind her jaw, teasing the soft strands of fur with his teeth in the most reassuring manner he could muster. Then, it was time for their lesson.

Toxicity was an enthralling storyteller, whether she wanted to be or not. It was easy to fall under the spell of rapt attention when she spoke about God. Which is exactly how Pontifex found himself within a few moments. "In the last sermon, you all learned what special place you hold in this world. You are gods by blood and few things can take that away from you. But you might wonder, 'Where does that leave the others I come in contact with? What about my other family?'" This was not something Pontifex had considered, for all of his family were divine by blood. At least, those he had come into contact with thus far. Though, he considered the status of the Shogun, his uncle. He was not bound to the family by blood, save for his children. Now the boy was truly drawn into the lesson, eager to hear what wisdom his mother might offer. "The answer is not simple, but in essence, there are gods, there are demons, there are all types of divine beings, and there are mortals. We all have mortal bodies. It's our blood and souls that set us apart. In return for that, many of us-" her gaze passed over he and his sisters, meeting their gazes. Drifting along to the cousins. "Will be blessed with assets abnormal to most mortals in order to help us conquer this world." Oh, that was true. He had nearly forgotten the long fangs that had been causing him so much grief lately. Such was the power of Toxicity and her sermons. Were these fangs really meant to help him dominate mortals? They didn't seem very impressive, not among the likes of his cousins' claws, fangs, or horns. Modesty and her quills seemed more imposing than he did, just skin and bones and bloodied teeth. A frown twisted the corners of his lips, though he managed to school his features quickly enough. The slight furrow of his brows was something he couldn't manage to hide.

"However, the ones of you who don't show those blessings are not any less blessed. Likewise, one can never tell what a mortal is hiding as far as potential. Both litters have very different families, but both are very splendid in their own ways. Furthermore, it is impossible to navigate this world without interacting with wolves who are mortals, wolves who are servants, slaves, and the like. We cant expect mortals to understand the grandeur of God. If you find one who chooses to accept and celebrate that with you, hold onto them tight and keep them in your life. Those who reject God are meant to be punished, either in life or death. Regular suffering dulls in comparison to the true suffering God will to bestow on those who reject him, just as those who had a hand in his fall to this realm." This was a shift he knew to expect, from the smaller lessons he'd received from his mother over the course of his youth. However, it was still a bit jarring. Violence did not come easy to the frail boy, who preferred to slink through the shadows. What was he supposed to do if faced with a heretic, but make threats he could not back up? He was not a skilled warrior, and though he was nimble enough to land a few glancing blows during training, he lacked the power to inflict any real damage.

"Because of that, when we are able to bring mortals, demons, and other divine worshipers onto our side, it is a time to rejoice for we have saved them from their eternal punishment and washed their pelts of God's blood, making them clean again and welcomed into Gods home when they ascend." Though the words were paired with a soft smile, the previous admission of their duties as Abraxas wolves still nagged at the forefront of Pontifex's focus. Would he be forced to focus his will into converting the heathens, rather than punishing the heretics? That might be a more suitable option, despite his overall ineptness in the social realm. Dragging his attention from his inner turmoil, the boy turned his gaze from his crossed forepaws and forgotten snack to his mother's features. "Likewise, those who sin against God should be sent to their punishment, and we are to enact such punishment on their mortal vessels as well." the focus kept returning to the notion that bothered him most, the duty to enact divine wrath. Was he even capable of that? Toxicity was really driving that point home, and he was certain it would plague many a sleepless night. He absently leaned closer to Modesty, drawing confidence from her presence as much as his other sister. Just for a moment, until he felt his muscles lose some of that tension, and he righted his weight once more.

"Knowing mortals, befriending them, making them your spouse... All those things can help us to further extend God's reach so long as they do not shake your faith. Those who try to sway you should be discarded and disposed of to the best of your ability. Every new follower is spared from God's wrath. It is not just to simply treat every mortal with distain- many are ignorant to their sins. However, you- with God at your side- are the judges of this world." Perhaps he ought to work more on his temper, and his treatment of the mortals. A few of the empire wolves he'd met already had been treated with relative kindness, but always his tendency for standoffish awkwardness put him in a position to distance himself from any real conversation or connection. He should seek out his mother soon, and find out what she thought might be the best route for him to pursue in the future. He wanted to be the best Abraxas he could be, and bring some semblance of pride and honour to his lineage. Delicate crown lowered to the forgotten jerky still clasped between his paws, and chewed the dried meat as quietly as he could while he tried to stay focused on the remainder of the sermon.



Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.