
next new age abraxas 3:15-20



Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
07-08-2021, 05:05 PM

With his mother's permission acquired, he shot a glance and a soft smile towards his companion. The bird dipped her head respectfully to the dark female, and fell silent. It wasn't a long wait before his cousin Shuriken arrived, and he took a moment to note how tall and lanky she was. Similar in build to himself and Faith, even. Though she was certainly a sight to behold, a far cry from his far less elaborate form. Long whiskers and claws, with that mottled coat split nearly clean along her midline in two opposing shades. She also shared in the struggle of long legs and oversized paws, stumbling and jolting her way along as he often had. He noticed the subtle shame she bore with her slip upon the furs, and wondered if he ought to reach out to assuage her worries. Hallux's sharp beak jabbed into his thigh, her naked features pointedly indicating he had better get up and do just that. He quickly jolted to his feet, stumbling over his paws as he worked to avoid stepping on Hallux. Just as he took his first few steps closer to Shuriken, the pale form of Ikigai slipped into the shrine. The princess made quick work or righting her sister and tidying her pelt, leaving Pontifex hovering awkwardly a few steps away. Well, now he looked stupid. Nervous gaze drifted over his shoulder, seeking direction from Hallux. The bird gave a small shrug of her wings in response. One more awkward glance between his two cousins, and the boy slunk back towards his parrot to settle back down for the sermon.

This time he opted to recline closer to Modesty, shooting her a hesitant but warm smile as he tucked his forepaws close to his chest and his hind limbs framing his flanks. Hallux hopped over to sit in the cup formed by his front paws, warbling softly to herself for a moment. Then he watched Faith enter, looking a little better than she had at the last sermon. The brief look of confusion she directed at him was met with an equally confused stare, one brow lifting briefly in question. She didn't sit close by this time, which wasn't abnormal but still felt odd. He wanted to share in the sermon with both of his sisters, like the last one. There wasn't much to be done about that, and soon his mother began to speak. He realized this was the first sermon Hallux would attend, and tucked his chin in to lightly touch the top of her head. How exciting!

"By now you have learned of your godly inheritance and the many paths of those around you. As you approach your first birthday and go forth in the world, spreading God's will, there will come a time where you are called to have children in the name of God. This is the greatest honor. It means God has entrusted you to choose someone spectacular to share in the creation of a litter of gods." somehow this particular piece of lore had been overlooked thus far, because it struck the boy like a freight train. His own children? He wasn't sure he wanted those. That was so much responsibility, and while it was his duty, he wondered if he was worthy of the undertaking. "When that time comes, it may seem to make sense that the only way to have a litter of gods would be to breed with another god, but this is not always the case. Many mortals make fine carriers for children of god and through those children they may also be blessed. There are, however, a set of Litter Laws to ensure the litter to be healthy and blessed." Fallen One preserve him, Pontifex wanted to bolt. Something about this was settling like a lead block in his chest and twisting like a blade in his gut.

"No one is to approach any close relative to have a litter. Do not have litters with your sister nor brother, either of your father’s litters or your mother’s litters, whether they were born in the same litter or elsewhere. No aunts nor uncles on either side of your family. No cousins, nor any wolf who shares the same last name nor the last name of any of your parents." he glanced over at Modesty. Why would he want to have children with her? Or Faith, for that matter. Gross. Two toned gaze slipped over to his cousins. Nope, that would also be weird. Also gross. "Pups produced from such litters would be cursed to a life of unholiness and bring such wickedness upon their parents as well. Such pups are also at risk for being mortally nonviable as well as morally. If anyone you know performs such a detestable sin, they are to face judgment and be cut of wholly, for they are unclean in mind, spirit, and body. Such wolves should be stripped of any chance of ascension, their holy lineage, their sigils, and ultimately their life is forfeit for culling." The broken record repeated itself, punishment of sinners and heretics. The mauve and soot stained boy understood why cursed children should be culled- they would lead miserable lives, likely bogged down by deformities and plagued by bad omens. No child deserved to suffer that fate as a result of their parents' failures.

There was something in his mother's gaze that drew his attention, a minute shift of her features that set unease dancing along his spine. "This has happened to my own mother- your grandmother. Who was a mortal turned god, but when she delved into the unholy, she lost her right as the alpha of Ashen and fell from ascension. She has been rejected by her children, her god, and her pack for her sins." His grandmother was a heretic? What did that mean for his mother- for him? Were they cursed by proxy? Who would dare cull the cursed children of an alpha?

"Litters produced otherwise, will be blessed by God, or by a combination of the deities the two wolves embody. You are not required to get married, but may do so when your heart desires to whomever you wish. Such a choice is left to your heart as long as it complies with the Litter Laws. It is important to produce the next generation even if it is not out of love. Though Venom found love and produced pups, I have not felt such a feeling towards anyone. Regardless, I found suitable people to help me create pups worthy of the Abraxas name. I hope you all are able to find your own way to further the line. Any questions?"

Pontifex had many questions. But where to begin? He looked about, wondering if any of the others would ask the questions first. He wasn't certain he was ready to question the minutia of their lore. "What happens if you don't have a litter before you die?" his voice, as always, was not especially loud. His brows were pinched ever so slightly, concern wrapping around his vocal chord like a vice grip as soon as the words left his maw. What if he couldn't ascend unless he had children?

"talking" thinking actions

Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.