
Having a bloody good time

Alyce & Alastor


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-10-2021, 02:10 PM

Alastor drank in the sight of his beautiful lover subduing this barely passable excuse of a wolf while Manea introduced her as a chew toy for him. Dark fire lit in his abyssal eyes, wicked recognition and understanding fueling its brightness. Ah, so she was the honeymoon present she had promised him! Manea rolled the wriggling girl over to him and Alastor stopped her tumble with a single large paw, feeling her soft warmth beneath calloused pads. He gazed her over, appraising her. She was quite a dull little thing, but not everyone could be as exorbitantly beautiful as his mate was, he supposed. The poor dear looked terrified and was already bleeding some from where Manea had to use violence to subdue her struggles. Alastor ate it up, the faint perfume of blood mixing with the overwhelming scent of Manea's heat and turning his blood to lava as the primal animal in his brain bashed itself against the cage of his mind. It wanted out, and it wanted out bad.

Alastor watched Manea saunter over to him with an exaggerated sway to her hips, hypnotizing him and only breaking the spell once her lips crushed hard into his. The giant wolf rumbled with delight, kissing her forcibly back while they pinned their prey down. A tremor of raw lust shook his body to his molten core, that deep, gnawing ache in his belly returning in full force. "Soft indeed..." Alastor ran a paw along the girl's fur. He didn't even know her name, nor would he ever. She was a toy for him to use and to break. Toys didn't get names, nor did they get empathy or mercy. She would serve her purpose tonight, and then she would be no more. "Misery? Darling, she should be delighted to get to play with us! She's never going to have another worry for the rest of her life thanks to you!" Of course, Alastor had neglected to mention that her life would only last another hour or two, but what use were details to the simpering little bitch at his feet?

Obsidian eyes followed Manea's movements as she reclined back against the wall of the cave, looking positively comfortable as she spread her legs and pulled the fae's head between them. Alastor's heart stopped as sinful fire raced through him like an electric shock. Just as Manea loved seeing him in his element, so too did the demon brute adore watching Manea behave as she did, demanding the girl get to eating. The vicious smile on his face grew to a malicious grin as evil, lecherous intent flooded his mind. Manea had spent the past week denying him any sexual relief, and now she was indulging with this woman, no doubt to tease and arouse him further. Well, two can play at that game! Growling under his breath as a ringing filled his ears, Alastor positioned himself behind the whimpering fae, hooking a hip bone with one massive paw to hoist her rump into the air like she weighed nothing. He was going to make Manea watch as he ravaged his new toy, make her lust for the girl's position beneath him.

The fae begged, pleaded, all but screamed for mercy, claiming she wouldn't tell a soul they were here. Alastor frowned. She wouldn't tell anyone? But then where was the fun in that? "Oh, my dear, don't you understand? We want the world to know we're here. We're leaving a mark burned into this life, and you get to be the start of it all!" Laughing to himself, Alastor mounted the small woman, having to hoist her up til her hind legs were off the ground to find his mark. Razor sharp claws dug into her fleshy thighs so hard he felt her skin tear, his other paw reaching forward to grab the back of her head while he leaned down to growl directly into her remaining good ear. "Don't cry, dear. You should be smiling! You're about to be part of something incredible! Now, I do believe my wife gave you an order. So be a good girl and start licking." Placing his paw on the back of the fae's skull, Alastor shoved her head harder between Manea's thighs while his claws bit into her waist, holding her steady while he began.

After a week of being left frustrated and pent up, Alastor was far from gentle. He wanted to break this woman, to make her cry and beg and scream. The animal inside him was finally being set free, released from its cage and set off its chain. This girl would take the brunt of it, but he was also letting Manea get a glimpse of what waited in store for her. Empty black eyes shifted between the girl and his mate's aqua eyes, gazing at both women like he was moments from devouring them both. At some point during their mating, Alastor reached down to sink his teeth into the back of the girl's neck, tearing through flesh til he tasted blood, his head above hers and so close that all he could smell was Manea's heat, her perfume draining away any last bits of sanity the monster had in the back of his mind.

- fade because reasons -


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
