
stay with me



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
07-10-2021, 08:25 PM
It all still didn't feel real to her. Lying in this bed, surrounded by comfort and warmth, held tightly and safely in Indigo's arms as he brought her to ecstasies she'd never imagined and gave her a sense of belonging and love that had been absent in her life, all Emersyn could wonder was when she would wake up. Certainly this all had to be some fantastical dream; a feverish illusion in her brain as she lay dying on the side of some river, exhausted, dehydrated, and malnourished. There was no conceivable way that she could picture her life shifting into this, being held in the arms of a lover, basking in the tremendous afterglow of amazing lovemaking on a sunny morning. Yet as second after second slipped by and the dream didn't end, Em instead found herself melting against Indy's body, nuzzling her nose into his chest and neck to drink in his scent and revel in the texture of his fur. Her eyes never left his, not daring to look away for fear that he might vanish if she did.

Indigo explained what she had done to earn this paradise: she had endured. Endured all the horror, pain, and torment at the hands of a family that didn't want her, parents who didn't love her, a slavemaster who hadn't cared for her, wolves that wanted to hurt her in terrible ways. She returned his kiss, a small hum of amusement in her voice when he mentioned more of this intimacy as part of her reward, and how he'd happily be good to her for as much as she could want. "You spoil me, Indy," she teased him with a gentle lick to the end of his snout.

She noted the way his expression seemed to deflate, that glowing happiness in his eyes dulling just enough to be noticeable. She looked up at him curiously, not given a chance to wonder what was on his mind before he started speaking. His explanation caught Em by surprise; Indigo was making sure she didn't get pregnant by circumstance. It was touching and also incredibly responsible of him, and she found herself even more grateful to have gotten to give herself to such a caring lover. "That's good, I wouldn't want to leave something like that to chance either," she agreed, running her paws down over his chest, claws delicately following the edges of his defined muscles. Indy's words trailed off, then he added two pivotal words to his earlier statement. For now.

Em gazed up into Indy's smoldering sapphire eyes with surprise while a rush of warmth hit her. Was Indigo subtly implying that he would one day want children with her? Emersyn had never considered herself the motherly type, nor had she ever considered a possibility of having pups before this very moment. Up until Indigo had liberated her, Emersyn's life had been one under total control, and that future had never existed. But with him... She could definitely see him as an excellent father. Kind, caring, compassionate, protective... It wasn't a discussion she was ready to have right now, snuggled in bed after their first night together, but it was a door she was willing to leave open to exploring later. "For now," she agreed with an affectionate smile at the larger man, bringing a paw up to gently boop him on the nose. "One step at a time, lover boy." The grin she gave him would hopefully be all the answer she needed to give. If he wanted, they could discuss having children together one day. But they both still had a lot of life ahead of them too.
