
day gaunts

ikigai - Fall Intellect prompt



Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
07-11-2021, 04:51 PM

Despite his earlier concerns, Ikigai did not ridicule him for being unsure of himself. Instead, her expression lit up into a youthful display of delight. It was disarming, recognizing the same expressions on a face that had previously been so reserved. Auds tipped forward with excitement as she exclaimed her interest. The pallid girl dropped onto the sand gracefully, mentioning her own experience with crafting gifts. Oh good, he would have someone to give advice when he needed it. Bicoloured optics drifted to follow her movements as she examined the collection more closely, admiring the ease with which she moved and reacted. Could he absorb some of that effortless grace, just by spending time together? The young male was only a little surprised in the face of his cousins shock, not having anticipated her genuinely wanting to hang around and help him. It felt good to have someone want to be around him, not just out of necessity or requirement.

Almost right away Ikigai seemed to set her mind at work, dreaming up ways to make the necklaces. Lavender eyes fixated on her strange paws as she lifted them, wondering how they'd escaped his notice at sermons thus far. That was super neat. An idea of his own struck, and his soft smile became brighter. "We could set the stones into the sections of the braids, and use that as a way to keep them spaced apart how we like?" he offered at the same time as he lifted his alabaster forepaw to the coiled leather around his neck and slipped it over his head. Once it was on the sand, he started to pluck away stones that caught his attention from the pile. Arranging a few of them into a small arc near the leather cord, he demonstrated what he was thinking of. "Does that seem alright?" he glanced over to his cousin, trying to read her expression for signs of what she might be thinking. He was getting quite good at reading others, despite his penchant for observing from the shadows.

Then he scooted one of the basalt stones closer for Ikigai to see. "I brought these to carve the sigils into, but I think I like the sea glass better. Maybe when Hallux comes back we can ask her to find some bigger ones to carve?" he was genuinely enjoying the brainstorm session with his cousin, and he hadn't expected to find himself having so much fun with the craft he'd dreamt up that day. Narrowed gaze directed towards the overcast sky, he sought out the dark form of his parrot companion, but didn't see her. Obviously she found something very interesting out there.



Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.