
tell me what its like



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
07-11-2021, 07:30 PM

The days and weeks that followed his wedding to Void had passed in a pleasant haze, losing all track of just how long it had been as he let himself entirely savor finally having Void be his. Plague and Void Abraxas-Destruction. They created a new family for themselves here with a name all their own and as he made his way back toward their den he couldn't help but feel proud of this life they were building. He was constantly working and making little improvements to their home and the land around it, but he knew that if he stopped with exactly what he had built thus far it would still be an impressive home for the two of them. He just couldn't stop himself from making everything exactly perfect for his love and he did genuinely enjoy these little projects he found for himself.

Today was the first day since their wedding that he had ventured out from the den for more than an hour or so to catch fresh prey for their dinner and it was also the first day that they had been apart for any length of time. As much as he didn't want to part from Void for even a moment, he wanted to make sure that he still spent time with his siblings so he sent Void back to Abaven for the day and busied himself around the den, doing more work on the extra sleeping space and gathering supplies. He pulled on his armor for the first time in weeks, going out to see about hunting some kind of large prey animal to get more furs for the den.

When he returned with a roll of black bear fur laying across his back, he was surprised to find Venom lounging outside their den. He gave his sister a grin, trotting over to her to press his nose to her cheek. "I'm happy to see you. Give me just a moment to put this away," he told her before he quickly dipped inside, dropping the pelt on one side of the main chamber and ducking into their bedroom for a moment to hang up his armor. When he came back out he settled down beside Venom with an easy grin, nuzzling her shoulder affectionately. He knew he'd need to go back to being an active part of Ashen sooner rather than later, it was just the heady high of being lost in love that kept him away. Seeing Venom reminded him of his duties though and silently vowed to put more of his time into his role in the pack soon enough. "What brings you out here?" he questioned, giving her another smile. "Not that you need a reason to visit of course."

Plague | Viridis | Procella