
you're the satellite



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
07-12-2021, 12:27 PM
Ulric actually gave the boy a smile when Romulus suggested that he could tell him some stories from his family to see if any of them would be some he had heard before and he gave a nod in agreement. He had always enjoyed hearing stories and learning about others' pasts and he hoped that perhaps if he could find some sort of connection to this young man or maybe just know more about what he came from he might be able to relax more around him. Maybe it didn't seem like it from the outside, but he really was trying and he felt like the more he learned about Romulus the more likely it was that he'd come to like him - or at least be able to form a real opinion that wasn't based off the bias of suddenly finding him with his cherished daughter.

There was no objections to his warning that they would need to be in separate cots and he could tell from the looks on both of their faces that they were happy about the arrangement. Most importantly it made Lillith happy so he had gotten what he wanted. He nodded quietly to Romulus' polite gratefulness, appreciating the fact that Romulus seemed to be well spoken at the very least. Clearly his family had done well in teaching him manners. He glanced between the young man and his daughter as he mentioned being a help around the pack and Lillith spoke up to confirm his skills in finding herbs and fighting. He was hesitant since he had originally only prepared himself to have Romulus around for the night and then be able to send the young man on his way, but with the way Lillith was looking at him he could tell she hoped her new friend could stick around for more than that.

He didn't answer right away, instead getting up to move the divider that separated Lillith's cot from the one beside hers so that they could chat more easily and then walking to the back of the infirmary to collect a couple of rolled up pelts from the storage area. He was caught between his over protective instincts as a father that wanted to push this boy away from his daughter and the logical part of him as an alpha that knew how badly The Hallows needed new blood now that Indigo and his band were gone. They had left quite the gap in their ranks and with Tamsyn stepping down from her role as Templar it left the upper ranks completely empty. Of course he'd have to observe Romulus' skills for himself to see how skilled he actually was, but... Who was he to turn away someone that was already at least partially trained when their ranks were so thin?

He came back to where the pair of them were waiting, placing one of the rolled up furs on the empty cot before going over to where Lillith was laying and rolling out the fur over her to tuck her in. He gave her a smile and gently tapped his nose between her ears in what had turned into their version of a kiss before he turned to look at Romulus again. "If you'd like to stay for a while, I'm sure Gwynevere would appreciate the help in getting the herb stores restocked. We had a group of wolves leave recently and two of our healers were among them so our team of healers has been a bit thin as of late. I'll never turn down help with patrols as well." If the boy was going to stay then he was going to at least put him to work. He expected everyone in the pack to pull their weight so Romulus wasn't any different.

Ulric Adravendi