
Everyone Thinks That We're Perfect




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-12-2021, 05:46 PM
Duchess took a long moment to lift her eyes from the ground to look around at the beauty within the branches. Indigo slowed and watched her as her sad features lifted, but he could see a sparkle in her eye that had dulled as they left the castle. The both of them stopped and Duchess leaned into his massive shoulder as he took a seat beside her. The rain would start again soon, but for the moment they were blessed with intermittent sun spots lighting the vibrant trees on fire. Those same bright colors were reflected on the little streams that ran between the roots. This place was easily called beautiful but the fall colors enhanced the ambiance.

It was good to see Duch appreciate everything around her after withdrawing into herself. Indigo tried to give her space and time, but he was beginning to feel concern and worry over her. The pair of them had seen ups and downs, and Indigo hated to see her reduced to this. He wanted to see her smile. Her attention was drawn to the water after he nuzzled her and he watched as her delicate paw caressed the surface. She grinned up at him as she mentioned the temperature. The land was beginning to get cold once more, but Indigo wanted to remain in Boreas until winter to make what Autumn harvests he could before everything died.

He was glad to get a smile, even more glad to distract her mind from her troubles. From the moment they met he knew Duchess had her own demons to fight with, and throughout their relationship they cropped up and he was reminded of how broken she was along with all of them. ”How do you like Boreas?” He asked her with a sly grin as he tried to avoid directly addressing what he clearly saw her suffering through.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.