
you're the satellite



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-13-2021, 06:39 PM
Romulus spoke his offer to give help wherever it was needed and her father took a lot longer to answer than she expected. He carefully moved away the divider from the cot that would be Roman’s and then brought a couple extra furs from the back of the infirmary. He put one on Roman’s cot and then lovingly unrolled the second one to lay over her slim silver frame. Lil looked up to her father with big garnet eyes as he leaned forward and offered her the gesture of a kiss without being overly affectionate. She knew he wanted to be close to her, to hold her tight and give her good night kisses like he used to. The girl was thankful that her father was so adaptable and cared about her feelings so much he denied himself the luxuries that made her uncomfortable. Still after everything the young she wolf reached up to kiss his muzzle before his attention was returned to Roman.

Lillith adored her father, no matter what, he could do no wrong in her eyes. She didn’t believe he could hate Roman, as was proving true as he continued to soften and allowed them to stay here together for the night. She caught Roman’s grin as she spoke up for him and Ulric relented, giving him the task of helping Gwynevere. Ruby eyes watched the boy, she could see him visibly perk at the mention of being given a task. She wanted to remind him that this was repayment for saving her, but if he was going to stay he needed a purpose. Lillith secretly hoped he wouldn’t be in a hurry to leave the Hallows, but she tried not to hold on too tightly. Her own mother had left her, she wouldn’t blame Romulus if he did too.

”Good night, Dad.” She spoke up once more as she caught Roman’s smile out of the corner of her eye and she grinned lightly. Lil looked up to Ulric with a grateful expression and as though her body was trying to prove her point her silver maw opened in a massive yawn.

Lillith Adravendi