
Fix me Father



08-03-2013, 10:29 PM

Oh the emotions, washing over her once again. That day, it was filled with so much sadness and hate, it made her stomach feel as if it was twisting and clenching within her body at just remembering what had happened. The tears streamed down her face, sobbing into her fur. She felt so weak, pathetic before her nephew who she should have been strong for, no matter how bad the pain was. These feeling didn't go away either when Augustus has spoken up, only made her feel worse that such a young person had to deal with his aunt possibly going crazy like his father had.

Her ears finally lifted off her head, swiveling around to face him and catch his voice. He told hr it wasn't her fault, that it was the fault of whatever it was that made Octavian go crazy. She was there for him when he needed her the most, that was very true. But at the same time she should have been there more for him, the thoughts returning of what if she had talked to him more. What if she could have prevented his untimely death? A whine seeped from her lips as he told her Octavian did wake up in a better place, even asking her. He reminded her of when Octavan told her he would always be there even if she couldn't see him, that Augustus was sure he meant it. Slowly she lifted her head to finally look at her nephew, the boy now saying how the man could be sitting right here besides Loccian, trying to comfort her.

Her eyes went wide, front limbs lifting half her body off the ground at the realization that Octavian really could have been there besides her. Was he? She turned her head to the left, then right, grey orbs searching the darkness, trying desperately to try and get a glimpse of him. But then he lay beside her and lay his head on her neck, causing the woman to take a deep shaky breath, lowering herself back down and leaning into his touch.
Augustus was not done yet, he told her once again that it wasn't her fault, he loved her and never wanted to leave her, Loccian was the only family he had left along with Pontifex, the closest to his father. She licked away a tear, a warmth in her heart and spreading across her body from his words. He said that Octavian would want them happy and not grieve any longer, she gave a slow nod of her head. But then the boy said he felt like he was in his own world, and that he didn't have a last name, asking if his father had a last name or even her.

Loccian never thought about it, it never bothered her before. But now that Augustus brought it up it made her feel even lonelier. She was a nobody, yeah a somebody to the boy and Pontifex, but other than that she would only be known as Loccian, that one wolf. The lack of a last name started to put some weight on her heart, but thankfully Augustus spoke up to distract her from the thoughts. He would be known as Augustus Octavius, he would be his fathers legacy. All the woman could do was embrace the boy tightly, wrapping herself around him, not wanting to ever let go. It was the first time in awhile she felt so moved, adding warmth to her tired and hurt heart. "He would be so proud of you.? She mumbled into his fur.


Awesome table by Andy <3