
Claws and stripes forever

Predator fight (Eska)



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-15-2021, 02:43 PM

Eska enjoyed having Ezra beside her. He was a good lad and she could see a lot of his father in him. The silver spattered woman thought wistfully that, had time fallen differently, he could have been her child. They all could have been her children, from sulky little Emile, to happy Jane, to pensive Lillith. The more time Eska spent with all of them, the more she came to care for them. Really, it didn't matter to her that they weren't her blood. If she never had children of her own, she would have been fine with it. As long as she could continue to nurture Ulric's children, the woman could be content.

Dark ears perked and the brindled woman stopped in her tracks just as Ezra began to speak. She'd heard it too. A single nod was the answer to his question and she began to move forward ahead of him, placing herself between the boy and danger. Yes, he would be bigger than her, but Eska was naturally protective and older to boot.

Pushing through the foliage, a low growl sounded along with something big pulling backwards through the brush. Eska recognized it as the growl of a cat, but she couldn't tell what kind until she flushed it out of the thicker grass and bushes. The stripes made denial impossible. A tiger. The cat growled again and tucked its neck, lips pulling back in a snarl. Between its forelegs was a dead alpaca, though it didn't look like one of the Hallows beasts. Still... having gotten the taste of alpaca, Eska worried that the cat would come for their own herd. Flashing a glance towards Ezra, Eska's muscles bunched and she leaped forward, her own jaws wide and snapping at the cat. They needed to chase it off and make it remember that these lands didn't belong to it, nor did any of the creatures within it.
