
Only going up from here




Expert Navigator (200)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipUnderachieverAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Lighting McQueen1KPride - Pansexual
07-15-2021, 09:06 PM
Her own adventure through the thicket hadn't been terrible, but she'd gotten a few scratches here and there. Truthfully only sheer luck had saved her from getting more tangled up and impatiently trying to tear through the vines and brambles. Her lack of patience would definitely be one of her downfalls one day, Kaija knew that, but she wasn't sure how to work on that - and truthfully didn't really care to either. After a moment of demonstrating her paw she lowered it, giving her coat a little shake too to free any loose debris from it. "Ouch! Is it bad?" Kaija wasn't the least bit shy and she leaned in close to look at it, sniffing to see if she could smell any blood. And she did smell blood, but just a little, not enough to frantically call for a healer or anything, which was good because she wasn't sure who would even come or if they'd be able to find their way to them easily.

But he wasn't that hurt, and neither was she. Just a bit dirty and scratched up. Kaija laughed at his words. "Yeah, I don't know if I'll come back here again. It's a mess," she emphasized the word, scrunching up her nose a bit as she gestured around wildly with her tusks. She wasn't sure about herbs and all that either. She didn't really care much about plants and all that, though she thought back on those weird glowy mushrooms she'd found and wondered if this place would have anything like that. Probably not, she decided, based on everything she'd seen so far.

"Kaija!" She chirped her name back at him, grinning a bit. "I live in Valhalla, a bit west of here. Dunno if I'll stay there forever though. Seeing the whole world sounds pretty cool, I think," Kaija commented, as if talking very casually about leaving your home was a totally normal thing. The thought came to her suddenly. She wasn't sure she'd like to leave her brothers though, that thought wasn't a great one. It wasn't like that was a decision she was making right now though, just a thought that struck her suddenly. "What about you? You live here? Or close? Segin it was, right?" She trailed after him easily, deciding to lean and take a drink herself. Her mind moved faster than her mouth sometimes and she had to reel back to make sure she'd heard his introduction correctly.