
the lightning strike



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-16-2021, 06:04 AM
Noir shifted as he lowered his head, returning his gaze towards the ocean. There was an inexplicable feeling of someone watching him, and the intuition proved true as he found her golden gaze. The static in the air or maybe just her unmoving features had his fur standing on end and a cold chill raced down his spine. She was a gorgeous woman, that was a fact that he couldn’t and wouldn’t deny. That she wolf Fel was perhaps the only woman that he could compare to the one who stood before him now or maybe Recluse and her pale body. Massive paws carried him steadily towards her as she stood proudly and warily. This wasn’t some stupid wretch like the girl he had maimed, and she held much more respect for herself than the small woman on the beach.

Blue and lavender eyes looked her up and down unabashedly, she had obviously been standing there before his call rang out over the world, but she hadn’t made a motion to leave him. Surely there was some kind of reception here. Noir felt a knot in his core, a ball of energy that built with intensity like a beat in a song that would build to crescendo Noir felt it and needed to release. He wanted a fight, but as he looked at this strange woman he felt the draw of attraction, the desire for her body beneath his own. Noir cocked his head slightly, a smirk playing on handsome features as he slowly approached, massive paws leaving their mark in the wet sand.

She didn’t look like some dainty flower, the rain revealed the supple well defined muscles beneath her pelt, she was obviously fit and well taken care of. The rain washed most of her pack scent away, but even then it was obvious she wasn’t just some worthless loner. He’d have to show caution in dealing with this one, not that Noir had ever really been cautious in his life. He didn’t ask for much, he wanted attention most of all and that was exactly what this mystery woman was giving him. Her bright dandelion gaze hadn’t left him and she stood up to whatever was coming her way. There was interest there.

”Answering my call? Or just stunned by my presence?” Noir chuckled darkly as he came to a halt before her. Bright eyes sparkling as the rain continued to pour over them. That didn’t stop the grin on his features nor the glint in his eyes as lightning struck miles away. He couldn’t tear his eyes from her, she deserved every glance, and his every kindness.
