
Having a bloody good time

Alyce & Alastor


07-16-2021, 07:53 AM

Screams and wails filled the cavern as every touch that the pair of giant wolves bestowed upon the girl brought pain. Alyce had never felt pain until the hunger pangs began, but they were nothing compared to this. At every turn either her claws or his claws were popping through her plump flesh. With each bite of pain, Alyce struggled. With each struggle, more pain was delivered. She just couldn't win.

Interspersed with her screaming was a barrage of repetitive begging. "Please, please, please! Stop! Just let me go!" And if you thought she was screaming before... the moment that the giant, black and red wolf slammed himself inside of Alyce's virgin body, the bellowing wail that exited her agape jaws threatened to burst her own ear drums. White hot pain tore through the girl and she felt as though she was being disemboweled. Her body went rigid as every muscle tensed and it didn't help the pain at all. If anything, it made it worse.

Throughout all of it, the pair were talking. Alyce didn't hear a word that they said. Shock was quickly taking over the little veal wolf's mind and body. She still didn't understand what was expected of her when her face was once again shoved against the woman's nether regions. Her mouth was open because of the constant screaming, but she didn't actively participate in the desired action. Alyce couldn't actively participate in anything. With the teeth of the man lodged in the back of her neck, she had little choice but to shove her nose and maw against the woman's body. The pale wolf was just a puppet.

--Probably should have faded up there? Down here? All fade?--
