
you let her go



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-16-2021, 11:36 AM
Lillith truly was alone with her thoughts for far too often during the days length, she had much time alone to do so. Including tonight before Eska had appeared before her. The girl missed her father far more than she wanted to say, his presence was incredibly important to her everyday life. Not having him home was difficult. Eska seemed to feel the same, or at least it seemed like it as she made herself comfortable in his room with her.

The mottled woman went on about the waterskin, when she was ready they would learn together and Lillith took a lot of comfort for that fact. Eska had a very motherly feeling about her, something that Lil very much needed. She gave her permission for the older woman to remain here with her, the both of them could spend the night breathing in the subtle scent of Ulric and maybe have sweeter dreams because of it.

Eska paused when Lillith quietly asked for reassurance. She’d suffered through a lot, and wanted a warning if she should think twice about allowing herself to feel affection for Eska. The woman made a promise though, she was here to stay. Not like her mother and very much the opposite of Aranea. ”I’m glad.” She whispered softly, truly thankful for the answer. This might have been their first meeting, but Lil already felt herself connecting to Eska. They both loved Ulric and the girl could tell Eska cared deeply for her father. Lilith stretched her little silvery paws forward, almost touching Eska’s dark paws as the girl lowered her head to her arms, blinking her tired eyes. ”Thank you.”

Lillith Adravendi