
Claws and stripes forever

Predator fight (Eska)


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
07-16-2021, 03:48 PM

Ezra followed after Eska as she took the lead, moving forward toward the brush to investigate the sound. As they began to move into the brush he heard a growl and he knew it was at the very least a predator of some sort. A few moments later the tiger in question was revealed and his icy gaze fixed on it with trepidation. It certainly wasn't as massive or as imposing as the saber cats that he encountered several times over the past season, but he still didn't want to take the big cat lightly. The fact that it was currently guarding the carcass of an alpaca - even if it wasn't one of their's - didn't sit well with him and pulled a snarl across his lips.

As soon as Eska lunged forward to launch an attack on the striped feline he did the same, following her lead with snapping jaws and deep growls as he loomed over the big cat to try and intimidate it into running away. It did back off somewhat, but it seemed to realize that it was being driven off from its prey and grew more angry, starting to advance back toward them and lashing out with large paws armed with sharp claws. He snarled as he dodged one of the swinging paws and then reached forward and snapped at the retreating leg, catching it between his serrated teeth. The feline yowled at the pain of the bite, but he didn't maintain the hold long, quickly letting it go and backing off again. He wasn't trying to gravely injure the cat, he was only trying to send a message.

Ezra Adravendi