
rogue taxidermy




Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
07-16-2021, 06:31 PM

In the absence of any real direction, the frail young wraith was regularly finding himself engaging in crafting to occupy his mind. That delicate bone structure lent itself to surprising dexterity, which only improved as he practiced. Today he'd rounded up some leather that had recently finished processing, courtesy of Obi. The wisened primate likely afforded him more leniency than he ought, but it was appreciated. With a few scraps of material and some cord wrapped loosely around his neck, the charcoal and amethyst male wandered a little ways away from the shrine. He stayed within the safety of the trees, lest the sky open up with a deluge in the middle of his work. "What's your plan for today, Pontifex?" the familiar vocals of his companion rang out moments before the parrot alighted between his narrow shoulders.

Around the mouthful of leather, the fanged yearling couldn't say much in response. Instead, he jostled the bird with a small shrug as he walked. It only took a few moments to select a nice spot, hardly worthy of being called a clearing, but with enough space for him to lay out his materials and move around with room to spare. Perhaps he could call Ikigai to join him for some more crafting. He'd enjoyed the time with his cousin on the beach, brainstorming how to make the best pendants for his sisters. He set the leather down on the grass, and shimmied the cord off his neck alongside it. "Haven't decided yet. Do you have any ideas?" he asked the ebony bird as she abandoned her perch in a flurry of broad wings, landing on the ground at his paws to examine his choice of materials. "I wouldn't mind you making yourself a saddle so I don't have to work so hard just to rest on that twig you call a back." despite the deadpan and sarcasm, the boy chuckled softly at the comment. By now he understood when Hallux was joking and when she wasn't.

He lowered himself gracefully to his haunches, then down onto his belly. Pulling the leather and cord closer with outstretched forepaws, he shook his head gently to dismiss the jesting. "Maybe I should try my skill at armour, or weapons? I should have brought one of those knives, so I could try and make a sheath with this stuff." he said, mostly to himself. He didn't expect Hallux to care too much about what he was up to, not when she would likely need to venture off to find food soon.



Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.