
Everyone Thinks That We're Perfect




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-16-2021, 07:44 PM
She broke his heart when she looked away from him and Indigo killed that little flutter of hope she had allowed to grow. He dashed her desires, though he hadn’t outright denied her Indigo just simply wasn’t ready for that next step in life. While he used the band as an excuse he wasn’t ready on a personal level. Indigo had felt incredibly inspired when he took Arcturus out on a small adventure. He loved that little boy more than he would have ever felt possible, experiencing Aslatiel’s children did grow his desire for his own. Indigo stifled a soft sigh as Duchess ran her paws through his mane, the rhythmic motion soothing for the both of them.

Indy listened as she made a surprising confession, she was lonely. ”Duchess..” He whispered her name again, this time full of concern. Beyond leaving the castle nothing had changed and yet here she was, bearing her soul to him and Indigo felt like he was helpless. There was no good solution to offer her, puppies would not help her feel less lonely. They would only complicate everything in such a fragile time. He held her tighter, pulling her closer to his chest as he wrapped his neck around her. He really truly felt the pain she was carrying, he could feel her desires as he held her and yet he couldn’t bring himself to appease her request.

”I know you would.” he whispered quietly against her dark ear as she added. ”You will be a great mother.” That fact couldn’t be disputed in his mind. He saw the way she cared for Gypsy and knew how she cared for him. Their pups would want for nothing. ”Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you could talk to me about this. I… I want it.” The idea was a marvelous dream in his head, but their timing had to be perfect. ”But I don’t feel like we would be making a good decision right now.” Not with winter on their heels and the band only just coming together.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.