
Clear Skies and New Hope



10 Years
Athena I
08-03-2013, 01:40 PM
Cael Amestades

The druid had an uncanny ability to be able to see right though someone and catch any emotion that might flicker through a wolf's eyes. He had always been able to simply watch the way a wolf behaves, reacts, listen to their words, and learn more about them than maybe even they themselves knew. So it was no surprise that Cael picked up on the sadness hiding behind Imena's warm smile. The concern in his two-toned gaze deepened, but he didn't bring it up. He had learned that if wolves wanted to talk and share their feelings then they would. There was no forcing them to share, not that he wanted to force anything from her. He gave her an understanding nod when she mentioned the herbs making it hard for her to pant. "I know that feeling. If you don't mind, I'll escort you back to your den and will be more than happy to carry those for you." The summer heat seemed to be affecting the dark hued fea more than it was him, most likely because of their difference in fur color, so he had no problem helping her with the herbs.

He gently scooped up the haul into his jaws, his gold and sapphire gaze landing on her again as he waited for her to take the lead so he could follow her back to her den. He padded along behind her, the journey silent due to the fact that his mouth was full of her herbs. His nose was filled with the scents of her finds. Chamomile, feverfew, goldenrod, parsley... All helpful herbs. She was most certainly a healer. Being a fellow healer himself, he was more than happy to meet the other healers of his new pack.

When they finally arrived he sat the herbs down at Imena's paws, a smile crossing his muzzle and his tail waving gently behind him. "Here you are. I'm guessing that you are a healer? That's why you're gathering these herbs, correct?"
