
Having a bloody good time

Alyce & Alastor


07-17-2021, 10:41 AM

Why was this happening? What had she done to deserve this? The whole time that Alyce was being ravaged it was a constant mental string of 'why me?' There was no explanation that she could come up with as to why this was happening to her. Pain was a constant now and she could feel her skin begin to itch as her own bloody drifted down between her white furs. It was almost funny that her mind chose to focus on the uncomfortable itching rather than the pain in her guts. Almost.

The rough slam against her body brought another blood curdling scream from the small woman. Her vision was getting shaky and her body was threatening to check out. Unconsciousness knocked at the door to her brain, but it seemed as though she wouldn't have a chance. The claws in her skull shifted to grab her throat instead and Alyce looked up at the very moment that those claw cut through her flesh and into her throat. Tears filled those oh-so-blue eyes and her mouth hung agape. Her body began to quiver uncontrollably and her limbs began to kick spasmodically. Alyce lost her balance, only held aloft by the... well... by the man behind her.

Blood seeped from the plump wolf's maw, though most of it trickled downward into her lungs, slowly drowning her. Those eyes stayed wide as she kicked and struggled, but her strength was quickly waning. Oxygen... she needed oxygen! With a shredded throat, breathing was impossible. She would never take another breath again. The kicking slowed, but Alyce's body still gave involuntary twitches. Just like everything else in life, she took her death for granted. Why me? She wasn't thankful that the pain was over. She wasn't happy to be delivered from the paws of the torturous beasts that she was stretched between. She didn't even realize that she was dead until after it had already happened. The whole time it was just, 'Why me?'
