
Wish upon a star




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-17-2021, 04:50 PM

With his work done on Sitka's armor and his "friend" sent away to terrorize the world once more, he returned his focus to Lorikeet. He didn't want her to think he was all work and no play though - not that he had ever shied away from their "play" in the time they had spent together so far, but he had no idea how long she'd want to stick around so he figured he might as well enjoy what time he did have. She was a delightful spit fire that had quickly become the favorite of any of the women he had given his time to so he thought that perhaps she deserved more adventure than he had given her so far and dare he say... maybe even a little romance?

He packed up his tools and supplies and led her away from the Emerald Valley. Now that Sitka knew where he had been hiding out it was time for him to move again anyway, but while he would usually look for the most practical location for his work this time he went looking for something a bit for fanciful for miss Lorikeet to enjoy. It took a day of travel to reach the destination he had in mind and by the time they walked into the lush, plant filled valley it was dark, night fully cloaking the world in blackness.

It was a clear night thankfully so the wide open sky above them was dotted by stars, a nearly full moon lighting up the world with a cool, soft glow. He slid the pack off of his back and dropped it beside a large rock, lifting his head so that his sea foam green gaze could take in the night sky. Right at that moment a shooting star went across the sky above them and he grinned, watching it go before bringing his gaze back to Lorikeet at his side. "So that was one of your family members, right, my shooting star?" he teased, chuckling as he dipped his head to nibble along her side where the splash of blue along her ribs mimicked the flash of light that had darted across the night sky.

"Rûga Amanto"