
What A Waste!



7 Years
08-03-2013, 01:55 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Still bristling with rage, Tahlia listened to the banter as it occurred, none too impressed with either side. The threats were quickly giving way to barbed jibes meant to sting and anger, and the whole of the situation began to feel completely useless. The quiet she had had here in which to think was absolutely gone. And now that these two knew her whereabouts and the location she had sought she thought it unlikely to be able to return here even after a short period to reclaim the plain as solely her own again. Worse yet, a part of her loathed the thought of the troublesome wolf getting the oh-so-wonderful idea of trailing her scent since it was plentiful here. Even if she attempted to leave, she would likely not get far. Though maybe just far enough. He does only have three legs. It was tricky either way she looked at it, but one thing was certain: her patience for the whole situation was beginning to run thin.

"He is hardly worth the bother. A simple nudge and he would be knocked over," she stated none too kindly to the grey wolf that had arrived in her defense, her dark golden eyes fixed on her three-legged harasser. Only partly were her words chosen in spite, hoping they somehow might dig a little deeper than the open jabs that Vladimir had made. But it was mostly just a fact; Tyberius did not have the same sort of balance that both she and Vlad had. He may have learned to live with it growing up, could fend for himself on most occasions, but in her eyes he would always be weaker and easily unbalanced.

Which made what Vladimir proposed all the more ridiculous. Why bother at all when it was not truly worth it? Her own slight had lessened its sting as the other two addressed one another, her hurt pride ebbing slowly away. It was still present as a part of her that wished to see his tail bitten and a yelp created because of his insolence, but the way they were going about it was simply getting tiring. And, if she was being at all honest with herself, the fact the conversation was drifting away from herself made it all the less appealing.

"Stand aside," she instructed with a warning growl, her words directed toward Vladimir as she proceeded to step forward, lowering her head and turning her ears back. It was not that Tahlia wished to engage in battle - she was still reluctant to place herself in any situations that might earn her a scar or two - but with her patience wearing thin her options were starting to run out. "If you are finished running your mouth, I suggest you leave. I can be civil for only so long before something must be done about it, and you are dancing upon that line presently."

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier