
all i've ever wanted



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-17-2021, 07:24 PM
She could nearly hear the words he dared not to say. Deathbelle felt the pressure in her chest and the lump in her throat. This was nothing she would have ever set for herself, being alone with Seer was never a good idea. She always felt less than when they parted, and she ached when they were together. For a moment she hoped that he would turn away, say his goodnights and leave her to the meal her companions prepared for her, but he grinned instead. Sirius took her offer without anymore hesitation. Instead of settling down with a meal he shifted towards the bubbling springs. The corners of her lips did not turn to a frown though,, despite everything they had been through and all the pain they endured he still made her smile.

Instead of attending to their dinner the massive man lifted his hulking frame to the ledge of the spring and heaved himself into it, making no small show of it. Water flooded over the sides and splashed against her ivory streaked pelt. She shook herself lightly as he became the one to invite her in. She smiled softly at him, an expression that hadn’t graced her features in a very long time.

Carefully Deathbelle brought her delicate paws to the lip of the pool and lowered herself into the hot water. Even just a moment submerged and she could feel the tension leave her limps and the sorrows begin to soothe away. She sighed softly, relaxing against the side of the spring as she tried to settle herself. Belle was very aware of how close the two of them were, and she huddled to the side to avoid touching him. ”This was what I needed.” She sighed softly again and blinked closed her vibrant violet gaze. ”Relaxation is in short supply these days.” What with the young wolves she looked after and her duties in Habari. As well as the grief she carried with her everywhere.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.