
Clear Skies and New Hope



08-03-2013, 02:43 PM

There was no fooling healers when it came to trying to hide how you felt. They just had this ability to know, even if you lied about it. After all it was a healer's job to know just what was wrong. It was in the sense a gift, after all most healers weren?t fighters or hunters. So it was no surprise to Imena when she saw the concern in his eyes. She was grateful he didn't say anything but offered to help carry her bundle of herbs. She nodded and stood up. "Thank you, that?s very kind. My den is not much farther from here." She replied.

Once he was ready she took the lead at an easy pace. One ear always remained turned back to him to listen to his paw steps. As they passed a creek the ground grew high around it till a cave appeared in it's side. The slight incline was easy to transcend, softened by the cool grass. As she entered the rock cave she turned to sit and wait for him. So he was new, she wondered when he had joined. After he placed the herbs at her paws he spoke. "Here you are. I'm guessing that you are a healer? That's why you're gathering these herbs, correct?" She sat there and began to sort out the herbs neatly, straighten them out. "I suppose. I have not been given a rank yet but. I'm suppose to be training under Erani. Oh...I never got your name." At her last sentence she looked up at him.

She liked having others around. It kept the sorrow at bay, allowed her something to do. She had heard one of the healers had had pups and briefly wondered if she would be able to go near them. For now though she wouldn't, not till Erani approved of her and her skills. It was hard though, den mother was who she was, all she had ever known. Take it away and she was no one. She took one pile of herbs and carefully placed them in a nook high enough off the ground to keep it safe and out of any pup's reach. After nicks and nooks were filled with different herbs as well along that same wall of the cave. "So I?m assuming you just join right? Are you another healer or wishing to seek out another rank?" She asked as she turned back to him. He certainly was a calming kind of wolf, and nice on the eyes too.
