
Splat! [Bog]



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
07-18-2021, 01:29 PM

The young swamp wolf had gotten the fire started outside his den, and Bug was comfortably resting in a mud puddle by the entrance. the frog knew how to toss sticks onto the fire so it didn't die while his companion was away, and could be trusted not to accidentally cook himself. Now that the rain had cleared up, this was an opportune time to get some cooking done. Today's dinner would consist of a catfish, seasoned with whatever he could find on his way back. The fish itself had a good enough flavour that he wasn't too concerned with adding anything extra. Carefully clutching the slippery carcass by the tail, he was endeavouring not to ruin the skin further, as it would be critical to keeping the juices inside while cooking. He was really going all out, treating himself to this nice meal. After being stuck inside all day during the storm, he felt he'd earned it. It was easier to move through the mangrove during the night than the day, thanks to the algae blooms that illuminated the waters casting everything in stark relief. He enjoyed taking walks at night, seeing the familiar landmarks in the faint blue glow made it all seem alien.

Movement caught his eye as he was closing in on the den, and he looked over to see another wolf perched on the gnarled roots that made up the only stable footing in the mangrove. Clearly not a native, as he seemed to be unsteady on his feet. The way his tail flagged for balance and the concentration he could read in those furrowed brows, it spoke of someone just figuring out their way around the swamps. He hadn't seen many wolves with such stark markings around the swamps, they were usually mottled and muted to blend in. This was part of the reason he found himself so captivated, tracing the clean break between the black and white portions of the boy's pelt. He wasn't quite so concerned to be without his mask, given that outpacing the stranger would be a cakewalk on his home turf. So, he decided to try his luck with making friends. It took a moment to shift the weight of the fish so he could safely put it down over one of his paws. "Hey, here for the light show?" he said with a small chuckle, tilting his head to one side ever so slightly.

"speech" thinking "others"