
Having a bloody good time

Alyce & Alastor


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-18-2021, 10:12 PM

Alastor hadn't known what Manea's plans were when he gazed into those maddened aqua eyes. He could see the pent up sexual frustration and anger in her gaze, but he had no clue what was going on behind the curtain of her mind. The girl wrapped around him gave another scream, and then Manea's paw had moved to her throat, quieting the girl while the two ladies made eye contact. Alastor saw the malicious grin on his mate's face, then he heard the wet gurgle come from the girl as Manea's claws silently cut through her throat. There was a fleshy ripping as Manea tore her claws up through the girl's throat and Alastor saw the waterfall of blood cascade down all over his wife while she held the girl's head up and watched her slowly die. Alastor grunted as the girl went limp and her body gave a few spasms and kicks, enjoying the feeling of her body going through its death throes around him. Each squirm or struggle she made just felt oh so unbelievably good! The pleasure made the brute's eyes roll back, and at Manea's seductuve command to finish his fun with her then fuck her, Alastor uttered a guttural grunt and returned to his work.

Despite the fact that the girl was slowly dying, Alastor continued to ravage her warm, limp body while her heart was still beating. He intended to fuck her to the very last second of her life, using her as a sleeve to get himself aroused for his wife. The demented brute savored every little spasmodic twitch her dying body made, his grunts and groans being the last sounds she would ever hear. Could she even still feel him inside her, or was she too far gone at this point? Alastor drooled and slobbered like a feral beast across the broken body that would soon become a violated corpse, shuddering with macabre ecstasy as his sense of smell was flooded with fresh blood and Manea's heat. He felt like a junkie overdosing on all of his favorite things and he was loving it!

It was only once the girl's body gave its final twitches and fell still did he cease raping her, withdrawing with a wet smack and letting her bloody, lifeless body flop unceremoniously to the ground. Oh, but Alastor wasn't done just yet. The animal still raged, craving more and more violence, even as his arousal pulsed and ached for the relief he'd been denied for weeks. Alastor hooked a paw around the girl's body and tossed it aside like a rag doll, his black eyes fixed on his mate still reclined against the cave wall while he approached her with a deadly growl under his throat. If she tried to say anything to him, he didn't hear it. Alastor instead shot a massive paw up and caught her by the throat, slamming her head back into the wall while he pinned her there by the neck. He slid her delicate windpipe between his toes, pressing down hard, not enough to crush her neck but definitely preventing her from breathing. Heaving hot breaths, Alastor watched Manea choke for a few long moments before he claimed her mouth in an incensed kiss, shoving his tongue as far into her maw as he could once she started gasping for breath. Rumbling growls of satisfaction echoed in his chest while he tasted her, still keeping her from breathing while he made out with his beloved galaxy.

Only once he noticed Manea's squirming body begin to go limp and her eyes roll back as her brain shut down did the dire brute relent. He released Manea's throat from between his grasp, only giving her a second to swallow a breath of air before he dug his claws into her hips and spun her body, planting a forepaw between her shoulder blades and pushing her body firmly to the cave wall. Alastor snarled with sinful demand, wanting nothing more than to unleash all of his pent up sexual frustrations and violent unhinged lust on her, to make her feel every painful and pleasurable moment as he took his relief from her and gave her what her body demanded. Up close, her heat scent was even more intoxicating, creating the rush of testosterone that muddied his brain and drove his baser instincts farther.

Lifting himself up to smother her body with his against the cave wall, Alastor bit down hard into the curve of Manea's neck where her shoulder started until he tasted her blood. His pupils dilated, his voice a lethal snarl while he caught her tail with a paw and held it out of the way while he slammed his hips hard into hers, claiming her body as his for now and forever while he slid into her and they melded into one. That first surge of pleasure felt like a hit of ecstasy, and while the brute groaned and growled in euphoria, he ravaged Manea the same way he had done to the unnamed girl, tearing at her body with teeth and claws while he pinned her to the wall and satisfied his needs and quelled her heat. Each slap of flesh on flesh shoved her harder against the cave wall, keeping her pinned against him until he was fully satisfied. The cave reeked of sex and blood, and heavy grunts, moans, snarls, and cries echoed around its empty tunnels. Outside, high in the night sky, a bright red blood moon hung over the world as howls of ecstasy were sung from the mating wolves intent on creating new life and bringing their family to existence.

- glorious, bloody fade for those with delicate sensibilities -


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
