
Having a bloody good time

Alyce & Alastor



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-18-2021, 11:03 PM
She had gone into their honeymoon night with ideas, plans, and hopes for how it would go and even though not all of her plans had worked out there was still so much that played into every malicious, bloody, salacious thought she could have imagined. As she laid there leaned back into the cave wall with her claws hooked into the throat of a nameless shell of a girl while her husband ravaged her body and her blood drained out across her stomach, Manea basked in all of it, watching her soul mate in his most vicious form. She had never wanted this man more than she did right now and that was certainly saying something for the sexual beings that they were. It didn't take long before their victim's heart finally stopped beating and Alastor pulled himself free, flinging their toy to the side, used and broken and no longer needed for their purposes. She didn't even spare the corpse a glance as she was pulled out from between them, her aqua gaze instead fixed on the animalistic obsidian gaze of her mate.

His growl sent a heady shiver through the lust drunk woman, his paw catching her neck making her gasp until the faint sound was cut off as he threw her head into the rock wall and pressed down onto her throat until he completely choking her. Her large paw rested on his foreleg, but she didn't try to fight or resist him. Instead her eyes fluttered and rolled back, her hips squirming with desperate need as she was dominated by her mate and held there while she reaped what she had sown with keeping him pent up for so long. Everything she had built up in him was being released onto her all in one fell swoop and it was everything she had hoped for. His mouth claimed his and her tongue tasted his, giving into him and all of his violent desires. Slowly her pounding heart made the sound of blood rushing through her ears drown out anything else while her mind grew fuzzy and her lungs ached for air that was being kept from her. Her squirming and twitching slowed and things started to grow distant as she very nearly slipped into unconsciousness. At the last second before she was lost to the darkness his paw lifted away from her throat and she was able to pull in a gasp of air as she laid limp against the wall, panting and giving her body the oxygen it craved.

She was his. Completely his to use and have as he pleased. There were many, many times when she had been the dominant feature in their mating, but not tonight. This night was all for her demon to unleash everything that he was and let out that beast that simmered under the surface, imbuing all of this power and strength into their children to be. She gasped again as he turned and positioned her how he wanted, slamming her chest into the rock wall as he pulled her up against him. The cold of the stone wall contrasted against the hot warmth of Alastor as he completely surrounded her and filled her, joining them together in the most wild and ruthless mating she had ever experienced. Her teeth gritted together and her head tipped back with a low groan as his jaws found the curve where her neck and shoulder met, tearing into her skin and filling his mouth with her blood. Her claws scratched and clawed at the rock she was being pushed into, making no effort to hide the cries that filled the cavern around them, only barely noticing how the glinting, sparkling stones shifted into a darker, red hue from the moonlight as the moon was shifted into a blood moon, an ominous omen for the terror they were creating. They would bring the strongest souls the Ancients had to offer from their union, birthing the start of their family in the only way that truly felt fitting for this pair of ruthless, blood thirsty wolves.

-- fade for the making of babies --

Manea | Temno | Ciemny